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So You Think There's No Way Out?

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So You Think There's No Way Out?


Almost everyday you end up crying,

You feel like it's your time to be dying,

No one understands your pain,

They all think that you've gone insane,

But on the inside your just screaming for help.


No one has been there for you,

Thats why your so down and blue,

Your parents are always abusive,

You feel so very exclusive,

But is this really the way out?


You ask for help but none satisfies,

Nothing gratifies,

So you plan and plot,

Fosaking all you've got,

you think you've found salvation,

You want to give into the temptation,

But let me tell you now,

You'll never get it that way.


You life is not so easily forsaken,

Not so easily left behind,

You think know one will care when you're gone?

Well excuse me, You're blind!


People care for you,

People are there for you,

Your looking in all the wrong places,

Your covering the wrong bases.


So wake up,

Grow up,




You have to learn to live before you can learn to die!


This is dedicated to the people who think that there is no way out. read this, then tell me what you think. its not the way out, so dont go through that door.



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