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It is ironic to ask this question, and it is also ironic to get an answer here... because we are all using a computer to communicate here.


I've been trying to find the reason why I am thinking too much, why I woke up in the middle of the night scared that I would lose the person I love, and why every little thing she does, online and offline gets me analysing all of her moves. Its really insane, and I'm going crazy.


I'm just wondering, if my excessive hours infront of the computer would be the cause of all this. Perhaps I got so used to online communication and the fact that there is always a misinterpretation of meanings and emotions that I have applied onto reality.


What I am asking is that, does excessive hours in front of the computer lead to depression? And... what are other health side affects of excessive computer hours?


Please... I really need help, I don't want to go crazy, I don't want my girlfriend to worry about me because I woke up in the middle of the night, unable to sleep and thinking too much.


Thank you.

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i think it may. but i may have had factors which influenced my agreeing with you. last year, i had a problem with this girl. we liked eachtoher a lot and everything was great. i finally built up the courage to ask her out. she was too scared to. she had had bad expirences with guys and didnt want to have a relationship. by dwelling online and IM'ing with her, i fell into a cycle of up's and downs. and the up's were only as high as minimal depression. i would continue to talk to her. and because she liked me, she lead me on. and i just wasnt getting over her. so while this lasted for 3 months, i was pretty much a wreck.


maybe its a similar situation with you. the difference is the cause of the problems is what you're thinking when you're on the computer.


i'd say, try to get out more. the phone is even better than IM'ing. the comp is a good tool, but i do feel that it is destructive when over used.

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Computers are slowly becoming reality although in some instances it's still a cyber interaction and space to escape the "real world". I think this is why people resort to a machine. If you weren't infront of a computer it would be a tv or in a car just driving around, still infront of a machine. The difference is that the human mind associates the things that happen online closer to real life. It's almost like a "notepad" for the mind. Your real thoughts and feelings can come out and it doesn't really matter who listens or not because you can always find another person to talk to or site to go to. I've found that alot of teenagers confide in their computers and online persons to sort out their depressions and find their own space. Here they can create their own world and decide what they want in it and when they feel like participating. Of course adults do this as well but in a more mature, as in of age, type activity and manners. The problem is that like i said, this online world is becoming reality. Most people anymore own computers and are on them at least once a day. Everything we do revolve around them so of course whatever happens on them are going to affect our lives because what was just space is now real life as well. I think what people don't realize is how dependant they become on this machine. By taking just a week off and doing other things you will be able to notice a huge difference in how you feel. Sitting, staring at a screen, and staying up to all hours of the night are not healthy for a person. Maybe you should try taking a break and getting back to "reality" and see how you feel.

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hey man, the EXACT same thing happened to me, about me being so affraid of losing the one i loved. I was obsessed and i regret everything. And yeah, i was always thinking of what she was doing and always spent my time in my room to talk to her online or to see if she's online. I hated it, it made me feel bad. Maybe you should try going somewhere with your girlfriend more often. I do not think you are crazy. But maybe the reason why you are getting depressed is because you spend so much time on the computer away from people in reality but talking to real people. Maybe your body or mind just strives eye-toeye contact and presense of people who you are talking to online. Now that i am not with my ex-girlfriend anymore, i feel so great, and not depressed anymore. I'm not suggesting you should dump your girlfriend, i know in your situation that's the last thing you want to do. But maybe you both should stop spending so much time online and maybe you should go out more if you already arent. Anyways, i hope everything goes weel for you. Things got much better for me, so i'm sure they will with you as well. IM me if you further want to talk. Take care.

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