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My GF figured out I WAS cheating but I dont know what she knows ! WANT HER


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my date is a Christian just like I am and my girlfriend is.


so what if you are Christian? being a christian is NOT mutually exclusive from being sleazy and having no moral fiber.


If you are upset with your gf for being away and not coming back to your city as planned but you're going about this the wrong way. If you were this upset, you should have ended things with her first. Maybe date again (if you two wanted to) after she did return to your city.


Shoulda, Woulda, Coulda. All spilt milk.

All you can do at this point is apologize for your infidelity and see what she decides.

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All you can do at this point is apologize for your infidelity and see what she decides.



i dont know WHAT to apologize for exactly.

dont any of you see my problem ?

if i say im sorry for the wrong indiscretion, my goose is cooked.

because then ill have to go OOPS and she will think theres a million lies.

and there aren't


oh god.

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I can see it's fairly pointless for you to be here asking for advice since all you do is shoot down all of it and giving various excuses for doing what it is that you did.


After all that's been said in this thread, I would dump you if I were her.



Im not the first person Im certain who has failed a loved one and wanted a second chance.

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so what if you are Christian? being a christian is NOT mutually exclusive from being sleazy and having no moral fiber.


If you are upset with your gf for being away and not coming back to your city as planned but you're going about this the wrong way. If you were this upset, you should have ended things with her first. Maybe date again (if you two wanted to) after she did return to your city.


Shoulda, Woulda, Coulda. All spilt milk.

All you can do at this point is apologize for your infidelity and see what she decides.


I have plenty of moral backbone. But Im no saint obviously.


All I want to know is how to apologize and move on from this without her hating me and also possibly taking some blame herself.

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Wait a minute... you're trying to be selective about which lie you apologize for... but you don't know which one because there's so many?


You wanna do the right thing? Let her go.


no, i said there are only 3 possible things she could know about.

but i i apologize for the WRONG one, she will think there are countless ones.

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Ok. You want practical advise?


a) Let her go. You may be able to manipulate the situation in the short term, but you have way too many red flags for a functional relationship.


b) Seek counseling to understand why you behave the way you do and correct those behaviors (assuming you want to eventually be respected in a committed relationship).

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Surely this cant be serious????? It sounds so crazy. The guys worried that he thinks his girlfriend has caught him out cheating, so whilst he's out on a date with a different girl, he's created this thread!!!! Not only that but his date is also reading over this thread. I cant really get my head round this, good read though.


You sound mental by the way dude.

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my date is a Christian just like I am and my girlfriend is.


Use your religion as an excuse to be a cheat and lie more. No matter how rotten you are, it's ok because you're a Christian! (Not to make this a religious debate, because there are people here who are Christians who are the complete opposite of you, and would never use there faith as an excuse.)


Your gf deserves leagues better than you. There are no excuses for your behavior, no matter how hard you try to grasp at straws. "Oh but she's taking her sweet time" and "Oh but it's long distance", the twinkie defense holds more weight. This board is full of people who loved, respected and were commited to our exes, we have no sympathy for someone who lacks all these things.


It's good she did not trust you, as you have proven you were untrustworthy.

Wow, your actions might have consequences, leaving your reputation tarnished! Poor thing, cry a river.


You are not fit for a relationship, and you have a lot of maturing to do. I really hope you are a troll, for your own sake.

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I have plenty of moral backbone. But Im no saint obviously.


All I want to know is how to apologize and move on from this without her hating me and also possibly taking some blame herself.


There's no way for that to happen because your gf is not the person who did something wrong. Sorry buddy, but when you do something wrong, you don't try to get the person you did wrong by to take some of the blame to make YOU feel better. How about how she feels? I don't see you putting any consideration into that, only how YOU feel.

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Have you ever thought about casual dating or open relationships? I think that will help the OP finding someone compatible to him. The OP might not be ready for a committed relationship (clearly he's not) and doesn't appear like someone in his late 30's.


If you don't really care about your g/f then don't contact her and instead seek what type of relationship you want.

OP do you want to date other women and have all that freedom or a committed relationship?


Lastly, how is being Christian correlated to being a nice person with morals? You admitted to cheating on your girlfriend so it means you're contradicting yourself.

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