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Why didn't she say bye to me?


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My crush and her family were at my house Friday night (mainly to pick her brother up). When it was time for them to leave, I alone walked them out to their car. Her mom and brother said good night to me, but for some reason she didn’t. There were past times when she did. Like one time, she said “good night” while directly looking at me and another time when I said “bye” to her brother, she said bye to me, but probably because she thought I said it to her.


She would also show other signs such as looking at me when I’m not looking at her, mimicking me, talks to people she knows about me, shows concern for me if she thinks I’m in trouble, her friends act differently around me, blushing around me, etc.


Now I know she’s very shy, but she did say “bye” before leaving the house (though very softly). Since she didn’t say bye to me directly, I figure that it was directed more at my parents.

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I wouldn't worry about it. When she said "bye," it was probably intended for everyone. I doubt she would intentionally not say bye, unless you did something to offend her.


She mimics you? That's not very nice. How close with her are you? Do you two talk to each other, or do you only see her briefly when she picks up her brother?

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We used to be very close, but she hardly talks to me anymore. I just chalk it up to she just got shyer over the years, but saying bye to me is one of the few things she does say to me, in addition to the occasional hi.


I only see her once a week now, sometimes once every 2 weeks. When she's at my house, she's either talking to my mom or her mom. When I go over house, she talks to her parents' the majority of the time. If she's alone, she's busy doing something. Either way, I feel like I'd be interrupting.

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