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Poll: Who do you think is responsible?

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Ladies and gentlemen, boys and girls (just kidding). I would like to know your opinion on who do you think, most of the time, is the one that "breaks up" in relationships: the guy, or the girl? I have heard so many stories that that lead me to think it's girls. You are welcome to disprove me if you want. Just post your opinion.

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I think that both guys and girls break up pretty evenly, HOWEVER I think that a guy who really likes being in a relationship can just coast for ages in it. They are more willing to be in a relationship, just to be in one. I think that there are more guys like this than girls.


But I could be wrong. I havn't done any research or anything



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I would have to say that in the early years, girls are more likely to dump their boyfriends because they are young, confused and have a lot of friends that are still single. The tides turn when women get older since the majority of their friends are in relationships and they are against a biological time clock (to start a family and kids) so they end up holding on to their relationships very tightly.


Those are just generalizations. Most relationships are unique so it could go either way.

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Girls do it the most. Yes guys cheat but in my 20 years of existence, I'e seen more girls cheat, use, and abuse guys; taking their kindness for a weakness. but that is usually during the teenage years. When older, guys do it to more of an extent. The reason is unknown.

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The balance of power shifts when people get older, generally to the mans' favor.


Girls want to work out their experimentation, find themselves when they are young. Once they get older, they aren't as attractive physically and are more looking to settle down, have a family. Once a family is started, they shouldn't be thinking of straying, cheating.


Men generally have a better position to negotiate when they are older, have money and status. Whoever has the power can make the decisions.

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  • 2 months later...

I'm a girl and I have always been broken up with... except once and that really didn't count.


I think if a girl still has any feelings for the guy she will probably try to work things out more than guys. My experience only.

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Something to back your findings so far: I only dumped a girl once. The rest of the time I got dumped being told what nice and caring guy I would be. So, yes, I think girls are more likely to break up. (Maybe it's because it is easier for them to find another partner...I mean supposedly easier...I don't know, never been a girl...)

And yes I would rather stick with a relationship with a chance of working it out eventually than having no relationship at all...call me desperate...lol.

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  • 4 weeks later...

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