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I previously posted about my break up, thanks all for wonderful advice. I need some insight. Most of my stuff is at her apartment and I have tried contacting her to find out when I could go and get it. Anyways I finally got in touch and she was very hostile towards me. I never received a clear reason as to why she broke up with me, so I asked and she said she was tired of saying that she fell out of love with me. I find that weird because we were in a three year relationship with no problems, I don't know it just seems like a non answer. Anyways she said I could go pack the stuff tomorrow, and since I dont have a vehicle to move it till thursday, move the stuff tomorrow. Guess my question is should I go alone and what is with the hostility.

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dude, personally i would wait till you have some of your boys there so it does not turn out negative on your part. If you have your guy friends there it is highly unlikly for her to try something to piss you off, plus your boys could hold you back if something does happen. get your stuff and let her go.



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I never received a clear reason as to why she broke up with me, so I asked and she said she was tired of saying that she fell out of love with me. I find that weird because we were in a three year relationship with no problems.


It doesn't even seem like it matters a whole heck of a lot now, she's not being fair to you. Not only is it inconsiderate to not offer an appropriate explanation for why she would want to break up, but it's immature and selfish on her part. 3 years is a long time, but if I were you, I wouldn't even want to be with someone who can only think of themself when it really comes down to it.


Speaking from a female's point of view, I think going to get your stuff with a bunch of your guy friends is kind of sinking as low as she is. Take along one good friend for support. Would you really need all of your friends there, just to pick up your belongings? You seem stronger and more mature than that.


Good luck, let us know how it goes!

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But why is she being hostile towards me when she is the one that broke up. I dont know if the tables were turned I would try to help the person realize its over and for what reasons, and why its for the best. Not act with indifference and cruelty.

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hi there,

I agree with OceanEyes and Goodquestion. If it makes you feel better, I had a similar sort of breakup--but for me it was more like nearly 5 years into the relationship and done over the internet.

Class. Gotta love it.


I think it's definitely unfair of her to treat you as she is, but having pondered exactly your question (once in a while, it still does come into my head: "why not break up maturely, if you're going to!?"),

I've decided I can't allow myself to wonder.


It lets the other person have control over some part of your thoughts, however small, and now is your time to be free.

Maybe, in time, you'll find that this also shows you clearly what your ex is like when push comes to shove, and you'll be relieved not to experience it another year or two down the road, or longer.


Good luck; you'll make it!


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But why is she being hostile towards me when she is the one that broke up. I dont know if the tables were turned I would try to help the person realize its over and for what reasons, and why its for the best. Not act with indifference and cruelty.


She should have given you a proper explanation, if only for your own personal closure. Maybe there is more to the story than you know? It seems strange that she would be so hostile for no reason, especially if it's out of character for her. I would let her cool down and grow up a bit and then ask what her deal is.


Call me old-fashioned, but I've always found that a hand-written letter, even if you never mail or give it to the person is the best way to try and get your head straight. She's saying that she got tired of saying "she fell out of love with you". She's being cold and selfish, so let her be. I just get the feeling that there is more to this story that what has been said.

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