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"Help,i'm confused and this girl's driving me insane&qu

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what's up guys?,....i've got a problem and it's a big one!!.I meet up with an old private-elementary school mate after 10 odd years,it was a relatively small school,everyone knew everyone since students parents worked in the same company!...anywayz so i meet up with her by last summer at this club i frequent,and i remember literally staring at her through the crowd thinking "i know this girl from somewhere!!"......picture this,she's about 5' 5",black,curly,short hair,dark-brown eyes,pretty eyelashes(these eyes will turn a block of granite to a slurpy!!!!),sweet,full lips,with a smile to die for!!,breasts are kinda small,but she really makes up for it in ass!!!,.....anywayz,....back to my story,so(put your tongues back in your mouth),...anywayz i'm staring at her the whole night,then i coincidentally meet another friend who went to the same private school that we went and well,the rest is history,i went up to her she gave me her no.,i called her we hit it off,for like a weeks we would mainly talk on msn,she would flirt with me/compliment me alot.....she would be the aggressor,calling me from school (she goes to university,and stays on campus),...so anywayz i enede up going by her and after ah while i'm cool with her moms cuz she was the nurse at our school ,we'd go in her room and make-out do shit(no sex),for ah while it went on ,we'd go out,we'd do shit,'d get physical,i'd finger her ,.....now i left out an important part we went on a date after all the talkin' and msn thing and we kissed an that's how the fling started,since then and all the months,she said she didn't want to be a couple,she says let's just have fun and she doesn't want to be ah couple,she wants to leave her options open....!!!......so anywayz 2 weeks b4 valentines day,now in our country we have carnival which is what the name sugests ah 2 day thing that has pre and post carnival parties......anyway we planned to hit them but we'd not be as a couple per say,cuz it would be awkward as her dorm friends and her would be out as a group......anywayz 2 weeks b4 valentines(5weeks ago),...she says she just thinks we should be friends and not to waste my time on her and i'm perfect and she doesn't know what she wants and she doesn't want to hurt me,so we leave it there(this was a saturday)......she tells me on msn that following tuesday that she missies me but she still doesn't know what she wants,but she know she has feelings for me,i told her i have feelings for her too and i wanted us to be a couple,she says she'll think it over and get back to me the thursday,she nevr did,but she sms's me and tells me she hopes to see me at a fete the same friday,i wait at the entrance of the party a couple hours wating for her and her crew,she comes and more or less plays off any kind of attachment to me,she dances with other buys the entire night and ignores me,......our dance culture is very exotic,so it's that much painful to see someone u like dancing with other guys,......so she comes once for te entire night and "checks up on me".....and that was it,....i left the fete passed her on my way out givin' her a "look",....i didn't call her,she didn't call me,......sunday i see her at another fete i pretend not to see her ,apparently she saw me but "she didn't think i wanted to see her becuz of the friday"..so didn't approach me,.....i see her huggin' some guy(they weren't doing anything), but they were close....i'm pissed again,not getting any sleep,the following week we talk and she appologises and says she didn't know that she hurt me and blah,blah,blah...she said she didn't want any attachment in front of her friends to avoid awkwardness and questions she couldn't answer,so i fooloshly give in,not blindly,but nonetheless foolishly,and i ask her what she thinks about us and.......she tells me she'll think about it and to come up to her dorm that wednesday,so i go there,she shows no sign of disappointing news,and i play along we cuddle,kiss,we're on her bed,she puts on a blue-movie,we just watch(i'm horny as hell).......after about 20mis. her roomate walks in and she's like to me softly"i was rehearsing this all day,basically i've been manifesting my feelings for someone else onto u!..........so ah'm pissed,i don't call her,but i shit her up on msn about it and she's like there is no other guy like she said it was just something she said ,,,,and that i'm so perfect and sensitive and she's ah waste of time and blah blah,so i end up going to a lime around her area and she's like pass and meet her by her dorm after if i wanted ,so i did bout 11:30 and we went in her room,cuddled on her bed and i basically made moves on her with no-response and that was it, i left,.... we talk about fetes that we were planning on going(not together),......i called her later that week she promised to call and she didn't , so i didn't and that was 3weeks ago...we talked earlier ths week on msn(we've been ignoring each other online).....and she tells me to collect a chain i left at her house and i know what thay means,we end up talking about how she treated me and she had excuses for all and apologees,in the end i asked her how she felt about me,she said she doesn't know,i ask her if she had been with anyone the past few weeks she said no,she said but in the past WEEK YES!...she said she met a guy and they haven't been as close as we have (dunno if they did anything)....i ask if there's an "us",...she said there hasn't been for ah while.....i told her b4 when she told me to collect my chain that she could do what she wanted wtih it ..discard it if necessary...and she's like she'll keep it cuz it means something to her a particularly fun episode in her life.........i ask her if she likes the guy she said as much as u can like someone inna week yes... i instanl left the chat ...she sent me ah forwarded joke-e-mail later this week and i told her in an e-mail that i'd appreciate her not sending me any messages or e-mails.....there has been silence sine(that was mon.)...........what should i do,.....give up on her....i can't get her out my head aND I HAVE STRONG FEELINGS FOR HER PLZ.....SOMEONE GIMME AH SUGGESTION ON THIS!!!!!

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i think buddy your name " mr nice guy " is the reason this girl is playin you so bad.u were too nice and too availabe for her. im afraid you've hit the 'just good friends ' territory, and unfortunately there is no goin back. thru your story it seems that she is interested,then not,intersted,not and so on . i think she's been leading you on, but although you wont win this one, it will give you a priceless lesson for the next girl that catches your eye. after you first started your kissin,fingerin etc.. i think u may have come accross as the person u r ..a "nice guy" who really, really liked her and you showed it. if after your first time of kissin etc.. u had been 2 busy for her and kept everythin at a distance, she would've been yours !! a girl as hot as u describe would no doubt be obsessed with you, if u had shown her that she was nuffin special and you could take her or leave her. girls like guys who play hard2 get. i think buddy..its time to be a " bad boy" instead of "nice guy". good luck.

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  • 4 weeks later...

Dude, now i may be wrong, but this is my opinion. Youre a cool guy, she cant handle it because you seem nice, and nice guys DO finish last as f'd up as that is. The girls a hhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh OOOOOOO, and she probly got with that dude, and shes messin with your mind. Ignore her, yes, give up in her , and if you ever F her again, wear proteeeeeeeeeeectiooooooooooon !!!!!!! seriously ! i may be wrong, but from what you givin, ahahah , id say shes a FREAK mayn. and oh yea, you go to clubs right ? AHAHA, SO FIND ANOTHER MAMACITA, theres BILLIONS man !!!!! ahahah, let that freak go, even if she DID like you and WASNT a freak. .... i dont know about you, but she seem pretty high maintanence. AHAHA, i may be lazy, but i cant even see a working man tryin to put up with all her shit. AHAHA Let her go man ! as crude as it sounds , i know you like her, but she sounds Eeeeeee-VIL ! If you must have a girl , id say give up on her, and just keep on looking. Thats my advice AHAHAH - take care man

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Hey man, this sounds like the same story that happened to me. well in your description u dont mention any other quality beyond fisical attraction. She is hot huh? very atractive, right?. And u want her badly, dont u?. It drives u crazy and now u are abssesed with her. Well many attractive women know that and give a little taste of sex and then run fast as hell. They know we as men will follow them like ants after honey. Why? because the promise of amazing sex. Well the truth is she enjoys her sexuality and plays with a lot a men because she CAN. And that's her right. Is that what u want? just sex man!. Well become her toy and get laid but be careful with your feelings. Dont play with fire being the nice guy.

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