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Where to meet older women, in general...


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Do any of you have any good ideas where I could meet older women, in general (besides from online dating sites and online social networking services)? For example, grocery stores....


i think if you're not interested in the websites then you should try approaching someone who's older and see where it goes. you may get knocked back because you're a young man but some do like them younger. i guess it's just a case of approaching someone you like the look of and asking them out (if you have the confidence to do so).

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Bingo games? jk! Had to jump on the bandwagon there. I don't think there's any particular kinds of places. You'll meet them the same places you meet anyone. Trying to chat them up will be a challenge in terms of life experience but hey, if you know what you want then I say go for it, more power to ya!

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i think if you're not interested in the websites then you should try approaching someone who's older and see where it goes. you may get knocked back because you're a young man but some do like them younger. i guess it's just a case of approaching someone you like the look of and asking them out (if you have the confidence to do so).



Good point, about having enough confidence to approach the woman and ask her out. I frequently shop at a certain grocery store and I often see older woman there that I find to be very attractive... next time I go there I might attempt to start a conversation with a woman.

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Good point, about having enough confidence to approach the woman and ask her out. I frequently shop at a certain grocery store and I often see older woman there that I find to be very attractive... next time I go there I might attempt to start a conversation with a woman.


definitely give it a go if you're up for it. women like confidence but not arrogance. play it cool, son!

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Nursing homes have lots of them. And if you take them to the recreation room its a real inexpensive date. Price is Right is a big favorite over there so try to remember how much a 12oz box of whole wheat pasta cost and you are in.


Nursing homes? Are you being serious, or sarcastic? I thought nursing homes is mainly filled with the elderly... I'm not looking for that at all! I'm looking for women around the ages of 30-50...

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college. I keep meeting middle-aged foreign chics w/ degrees at my local community college.


Where exactly in the community college do you find them at? For example, the career center, or financial aid office... and how to do approach them? What kinds of questions do you ask them?

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