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Are unpaid internships illegal?!?!

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If this question sounds absolutly ludracris then please just ignore it. I am currently in an unpaid internship, doing the same work that someone else gets paid to do. Recently, I was told by a human reasource director, who is an attorney, that un-paid internships who provide a benifit for an organization are illegal?!?! Reason being, they violate the Fair Standards Labor Act or whatever. Internships unpaid are only to provide as an educational benifit. Is this true? What do you think of this? I know that the benifit of sueing is small. I probably wont take that route, but I want to know my rights. I am also being harrased that I am not working hard enough, and sexually... If I am harassed, do I still have a legal right not to be, even though I am just a intern??? I dont want to quit because I am receiving credit for this, and stupidly paying for the credits. I dunno... If you have any thoughts please send them...

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As far as I know, unpaid internships are legal. They're considered an educational benefit for you. I don't know if there are special cases. You ALWAYS have the right to report harassment. It doesn't matter whether you're being paid or not. It's just part of feeling safe in the workplace. Talk to someone in human resources and complain about the harassment. Then keep notes on when it happens (dates, times), what is said, who said it and who was around to hear it. It'll come in handy in case the harasser wants to deny it.

Nobody should feel threatened at work (or any place for that matter). You have the right to report them.


Good Luck!

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Hi Vicki,


Unfortunately, that's how the 'Corporate World' works. There's not much that we can do about it, except for filing for lawsuits. But even then, cases would be hard to fight, because the corporate world's governed by head haunchos, who do have the money to fight the 'little people' off, and could care less about how we feel. That's just the reality, and unwarm welcoming with Corporate society. Nothing wrong with big businesses, but that's where the lack of respect for employees come in. They know that they're big enough, and can fight back. So what can employees do? Feel intimidated and keep their mouths shut! I dislike the fact that:

#1. You're being told that you're not working hard enough.

#2. The sexual harasshment.


I know what you mean by internships. Is this your last internship before graduation? If so, then I if were you, I'd kinda suck it up. Do my best. Finish, and when I'm done, MAYBE contact the HR, and file a complaint. Better than that, head straight to the 'Corporate Headquarters' and file a 'complaint.' Once it reaches to the corporate office, whoever bullies you, will get a review, and hopefully get in trouble.


I don't think that you deserve to put up with this ish! Afterall, it's to their advantage that you're offering 'free' work, and at the same time, they're Complaining? My analogy of this situation is like Big Bullies on elementary school playgrounds, who are out there to 'Exploit' you as much as they can.


If this is not your last internships, then I'd suggest with the next one, make it REALLY clear that you're looking for a 'paid-internship.' Have them sign a contract on that. In the corporate world, it's mostly about having that signature on the dotted line. That's evidence, and can be used against them. However, unfortunately, once again, there are always intiricate laws, or loopholes that will allow them to get out of their B.S. I've been in your situation once. That's why I changed my major. If I have to deal with this 'nonsense corporate negotations,' then I don't see myself living a truly satisfying life.


Also Vicki, next time, if they say, "We don't offer paid-internships." Then just smile and say, "Okay, well thank you for your time. Nice to meet ya!" Keep it lighthearted. You win some, and you'll lose some, right? Take it with a grain of salt. That happened to my before. I negotiated, and they actually gave me what I wanted, but I didn't like it when they started to dictate my schedule by saying, "We want to hire you as a part-time. We're offering you this amount. At the same time, we're glad that you'll still be in school PART-TIME...."


Ah Huh! Right! Notice the small subtleties. The Vice President of that firm, starting dictating my life, and telling me what they think is "BEST for me to do." I thought, "Hey, I'm not your property.." At least they should've respected the fact in asking me if I'm willing to be a part-time student." Basically, what I'm saying is, they tried taking advantage of the situation. Same with you. Saying that it's your advantage, because you're enjoying to experience that you're being trained to do. It's your advantage, not theirs! See how they make 'little people' feel? Is that respect? They pointed their fingers by saying, "You're benefiting from this, We're not." Yeah right. It's all game. It's all about convenience for them. I appreciate the fact that they were willing to pay for my internship, and looking forward to making me a part of their staff, but they didn't bother negotiating. That in itself, looked shady. If they can push you and make you do one thing, and you accept it, they'll push you and ask you to do more. thereforeeee, it's important that you find a company who will respect you. One that has a good 'reputation' of treating their employees right, and having good relations with their clients.


Okay, my point is:

1. They will take advantage of you as much as they can.

2. They will try to work you off for the (little cash that you earn). In your case, none. They'll try to really put you through the pulp, by squeezing as much out of you as they can.

3. If you speak back, then they have their line of 'Corporate Attourneys' who will find ways to fight back, and intimidate you.


So Vicki, the Corporate World is tough like that. We just have to suck it up. Otherwise, try to put up with it for the time being. Finish it. Then do what I did, find a 'different' major, one that you won't have to deal with 'greedy and sneaky' negotiations. I dislike that pretentious attitude and environment. Otherwise, you'll feel like nothing but a number, added to their corporate pyramid, a 'de-valued' employee. How? By not appreciatiing you for your HARDWORK, and putting you up for bashing, 'biased' employee reviews! That's just too 'demeaning'! In that sense, it's the worst case scenario, in which your level of productivity will come into play, and also most importantly, "Your True Happiness."


But I guess that's just how the Business world works. We're just caught up in a society with large corporations, and employees who have little say. Unless if there are big bust cases like Enron or Martha Stewart. In that case, the little workers do get lucky through lawsuits.


I hope this helps. I know. It's sad when you work hard, and people don't recognize it, except to 'trounce' on you, and make you feel 'devalued.'


Hang in there! Hope you will feel better k?



P.S.- I know what you mean by harassment. It's like those PIG bosses have nothing to do with their lives, except to flirt around with their employees, and get off on pathetic highs, thinking that they're the bomb, when they're not. And what's even sad is that they display that kind of attitude, knowing that they can get away with it. Be careful with their snide remarks, and make sure that you just do your own thing. Do your best, but try not to get involved with 'office politics.' That's the best I advice I can give you. I'm sick of corporate money grubbers too! I feel for you. Take Care.

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thank you all for your responses.


Also Mahlina your line

It's like those PIG bosses have nothing to do with their lives, except to flirt around with their employees, and get off on pathetic highs, thinking that they're the bomb, when they're not.
That is exactly what applies to my situation. I am just gonna suck it up. Besides the guy who was bothering me, I confronted him and he got a perspective of where I was coming from. Now we're now golfing buddies. So things worked out just in few days.
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