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Is it ok for me to not like her being with guy friends?


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Hi all,


ive been in very happy long-distance relationship for over 3 months now. we met at a party, and a week later i went to visit for about 4 days. after that we were officially dating. we get to see eachother as often as i have enough money, which has been enough to keep us very happy. we became very close after only a month, and are only getting closer.


very few things bother me about her, and i dont have alot of relationship experience, so i dont know if i have the right to be annoyed by some of these things.


one that has been on my mind is the amount of "guy friends" she has. she has about 6 guys friends for every 1 female friends she has. this has alot to do with her personality, and it is why i love her, but it still feels strange. she is also friends with a good amount of her ex-boyfriends. but she insists that they are cool now, and are JUST friends.


I dont really have any issues with trusting her, but the guys are another story. ive met very few of them, and i know its sometimes hard for a guy to be just friends. im just a little worried that they might try something, and im a little upset that she hasnt really considered that this might bother me. im sure if i was hanging out with a lady friend of mine, she wouldnt like it either.


im plenty cool with her hanging out with her guy friends, and talking to them, but today she went to a movie alone with one of her old friends. i didnt like this. i havnt mentioned it to her yet, because i dont know if this is me being over-sensative.


is it ok for her to be going out alone with her guys friends? do i have any right to draw the line anywhere?

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sorry to be the one to throw a wrench in this, but distanceguy has a valid concern.


Play it cool about this, but don't totally overlook it either. As you get to know this girl better hopefully you'll learn if she is someone you can trust or someone you should worry about. Unfortunately some girls like having lots of guy friends because they like the male attention and because it makes them feel more desirable. Remember, girl's derive a lot of value and sense of self-worth by how desirable they think they are to the opposite sex.


From a guy's perspective, personally, I've never been friends with a good-looking girl whom I've ruled out being more than "just friends" for no apparent reason. Any guy who claims otherwise is full of it!


"Friendzoned" these guys may be at the moment, but that's why it's called a zone: it's not necessarily permanent. So, keep an eye.


Good luck!

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