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Roommate's Cat just bled everywhere...


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My roommate's cat has a tenancy to follow me around all day when I am the only one here. Usually when I take a shower he is either sitting on the toilet the whole time or on the sink.


I just took a shower and when I got out he was sitting on the sink. He jumped down and I noticed there was blood all over the sink. He seemed calm, not like he was hurt or anything. There was nothing on the sink that he could have cut himself on. After I got dressed I picked him up and looked him over pretty well. There were no cuts on him.


Anyone else ever seen this happen?

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If the cat has fleas, it could have been flea dirt that got wet. Fleas bite and eat blood, so they poop out blood. It is tiny brown looking flecks, but when it gets wet, looks like little drips of blood.


ugh thats gross so glad I deflea my kitty.

Hmm i'd say check him all over to see if he has any scratches, mine came in the other day with blood on his ear, turns out it wasn't his, he'd been scrapping but came off the winner

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  • 3 weeks later...

i have an idea if you have found no obvious wounds etc - is there a chance that he may have been trying to go to the toilet in the sink? He may have a bladder / urethra issue that can result in blood and inappropriate urination.


In male cats their urethra narrows in the penis and if he has crystals in his urine they may block the urethra and can make it become infected and form mucus - this "plug" can make it very difficult to go to the toilet - you will see the cat trying to use his litter tray unsuccessfully lots and he will prob be licking his genitals. If he ruptures this can be very serious and requires immed vet care - a blocked urethra cannot be left as this can prove fatal quickly. I had to take one of my foster cats to the vet at 2am for this very same issue.


General cystitus~(?) can cause blood in the urine also - this also requires veterinary care - but not immed as a blockage would - i would stil get him to the vet asap though.


As both these things are very painful when trying to urinate the cat can sometimes associate the litter tray with pain and may try to urinate elsewhere - or he may get the feeling that he has to go immed wherever he is.


Has anyone noticed blood in his tray when it has been getting cleaned out or any difference in his behaviour??

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