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Boyfriend loses focus and becomes less attenative.

Oh hay its Jai

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My boyfriend and I have known each other over 5 years, but have been a couple for 2 months. He use to be in the military and suffers from PTSD and has TBI. Problem is, he loses focus on things so quickly. Thing is, he doesnt seem to lose focus when on his iPhone or his computer. Yet, when having a conversation with me or his family, he basically loses focus. It is hard for me because I keep trying to be strong and patient but I am getting annoyed.


He will be on his phone texting or playing games when I am at his house and he wont even notice that I am there. It sucks because I feel like I am a good girlfriend. I deal with a lot of the things he is dealing with. He thanks me for standing by his side, yet, I dont feel like he is caring enough to pay attention at times.


Also, during the day you would think we are just friends, then at night he gets clingy and likes being affectionate. It is odd to me. My last relationship, I was use to getting attention and my ex being affectionate all the time. I dont expect my boyfriend to do those thing but I just dont know how long I am suppose to be patient with him.


I care about him a lot but I feel like I do more for him in emotional ways.


He tells me that he thinks I could be the "one" and all that. However, he doesnt show it.


There is much more to the story such as his past so if you need more details I will gladly give them. Also, he is 21 going on 22 and I am 20 going on 21.

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