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So lost...So alone


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My GF and I are going through a difficult time right now. Everythihg was going great, she moved in with me over the summer, but moved out to go to school around 5 hours away. We would txt and email and talk as much as possible. We both couldnt wait to get married and start a great life together. This all changed after one of her friends told her about a singles site I was on. I had totally forgotten about the site. I had removed all pictures, and blocked all incoming email and message..you couldnt even find my profile by doing a search for it. She now is telling me that she isnt sure that she can trust me....she thinks Im online trying to meet girls while she is away to school. I am SUPER devastaded over this. I tried to explain that it was nothing... The problem is that her ex burnt her BADLY. Cheated on her with her best friend and it hurt her really bad. I dont know what to do now? She hasnt said we are done yet, but keeps saying that shes not sure she could get the image of that site out of her head and trust me.... I love this girl with everything in my heart. I ended up going back on anti depressants because I has a serious emotional breakdown 2 years ago from a similar situatuation.


I cant sleep, or eat, or even concentrate on anything but think about her and the amazing life we had planned...

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Is there a way on this site that you can prove to her the last time you were active on it.. Maybe a post or something. Not sure how those particular sites work as I have never used one but there must be a way of doing it..


I'm sure once she realizes you are telling the truth she will be able to rebuild her trust. It's probably because she is away from you to that makes her more inclined to be suspicious.


Try not to worry about it too much as there is still hope in the fact that she has not just finished with you.



Take your mind of this by doing things to keep you occupied. Keep close with the people who love you as they will help you to get through this.

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Im having such a hard time with it since I didnt do anything, but she is looking at me like a cheater..but I can understand that her ex made some serious damage. We arent talking right now until she finishes her exams which are done in a couple days....so Im pretty much just sitting around waiting to hear from her to know if she wants to try and work things out. I have constant anxiety and feel like Im losing my mind

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