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Are you 'cursed' if you are single?

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I feel at times I am cursed to be single. I havent had a g/f for more than 5 years now and I would really like to know what is know with me (if anything). I have got nothing wrong with looks at all: I am 6 foot 4, I have an athletic body and I definitely dont have a problem with the way I dress. It just makes me feel really sad and depressed when I see friends of mine getting new g/f and seem to be so happy, when I am still alone.

I also ALWAYS make an effort to be friendly and treat all people (and strangers) with respect - maybe this is my problem. I have been told by many people what a great guy I am and what a fantastic person I am, but sometimes I dont believe it because it almost seems as if women are repelled by me and not attracted. Now what can I possibly do? Maybe the way I do things is wrong? Maybe being friendly is not the thing to do. I always make a point of talking to interesting/attractive women, but as I said it seems that women are repelled. Can someone please shed some light on the subject for me..


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i am not an expert, but i was thinking that it's probably not anything wrong with you, but perhaps you put too much pressure on yourself in that area of your life. just get out there and do things that you enjoy! don't worry about what other people in your life are doing and only compare yourself with yourself. anyway i hope this helps you and good luck!


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Hi Alien,


Wanna hear something funny? I am turning to 31 soon and ... I am single ... BY CHOICE !!


So, with that being sad, let's go a bit indepth. With me being single I have done things that some people can only start to dream of. I have seen A WHOLE LOT of the world and have been to places. I always valued my freedom to do what I actually wanted, without being pressured on and last but least: I have grown to the person I always wanted to be. That's my reward for waiting. It's true: "Good things will come to those who wait". I am ready now to start a family and recently I have started to circle into the dating circuit. I can't wait to see what "will come to me" next.


Sounds like success, eh?


~ SwingFox ~

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Being single can be a curse if you dont want to be single I guess.


Getting away from being single is complex and there are multiple reason.


You seem to be ok from the physical department. There are few things

which are really critical.


First is how things really work...my experience show that women choose

men. So this is important. dont waste time going after women that

that show little interest in you. Focus on one that show you some interest.


Sometime people see things differently when you focus your life in a different angle. For example. I have a few pretty girls go after me but I didnt want them because I was looking for something special. Yes I got money and they like that but how about me?


The point is you might be single because you want x,y,z but when a,b,c comes you arent interested?


Knowing what you want and what they want is a good start. It mean that

you are both in the same direction.


I sometimes wonder If I cause my own problems by wanted what I cant get and not taking what I'm offered? Look careful at your life are you doing this?


Do people really get what they want?


Finally, work at being happy with who you are. That helps. Do things you enjoy and go out.


Remember the world is a big place if you have no luck alway be prepared to change your approach, your wants and your view. Dont be fixed in you life.


If you have good friends ask them to introduce you that help too!

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You are friendly and treat people with respect. Not very often you can meet such guys. You have said that people call you a great guy and a fantastic person. Do only men say that to you? What about women? If a lady thinks about you as a great guy why not to try building relationship with a particular this lady? Do you only pay attention to attractive women? I know if I really want to do something I can do it. May be you don't really want to find a girlfriend? Think of this.

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You are friendly and treat people with respect. Not very often you can meet such guys. You have said that people call you a great guy and a fantastic person. Do only men say that to you? What about women? If a lady thinks about you as a great guy why not to try building relationship with a particular this lady? Do you only pay attention to attractive women? I know if I really want to do something I can do it. May be you don't really want to find a girlfriend? Think of this.

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  • 3 weeks later...

Where are you from? That's all I want to ask. I'm single, too single, far too single, because where I live there aren't people like me. Too many marrieds is why I've been alone for seven weeks, with nothing else to think about but my eventless life and how much I want to get laid. I've been cracking, I know. I would think something and mutter it, not realizing that I had done it. I'm going insane, and my "friends" (those married #%^%$&%s!) know! They would always ask me how I'm doing, with "that look" on their faces. I don't want marriage, because I don't want children. But, I don't ever want to be alone again. Life is hell. I can't drive, don't have a bank account, long distance block on the phone, still living with my father, make embarrassing small bit of money for a paycheck. I feel like I'm stuck in a place that I never belonged

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  • 2 weeks later...

I'm very single myself.. I haven't ever had a g/f.. and I can't say I like it very much. But it's not like I can do a lot about it.. I'm just keeping my eyes open, and try to talk to cuties.. emphasis on -try-


All I can tell you is what other people have told me too.. TRY not to make a big deal out of it.. be yourself.. meet people...


Good luck to all the singles out there!

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  • 2 weeks later...

Dont worry ALIEN , they are totaly evil, they have a sub conscious abillity to torment you and if they are getting thru they will continue "poking you with a stick"


Personally Id love a serial killer to strike soon and give them a painfull death that we all know they deserve.




Get your revenge before you die in this world.


Lepine Forever.

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Pah, Women are EVIL!.. why do you think most third world countries dont call them human??


Its because they are evil, you poor men have now fallen to a hole you will never get out of, once a women knows she can control you you WILL NEVER GET A GIRLfriend!!!


Women want a man they cannot have, and since your all too giving to her torments your not gonna get anything!!


Remember, women are evil... they are made of desire, lust and total morbid almost physchic instincts, phychotic as well (pardon my spelling)


Just laugh at them when they get bashed or killed.


PURE EVIL.. I feel sorry for you guys, they are tormenting u, only way yous are gonna get out of this is if yous dont think about women and start building ways to stop the torment women empower sub consciously over your little futile minds.


or do what lepine did..


Get your revenge.

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  • 2 months later...

sounds like confidence might be part of the problem. you sound friendly enough and from your description you have a pretty good body, maybe you could try being more outgoing or approachable. I'm 21/f, I used to be really shy and have trouble approaching guys, but I figured out that shyness was part of my problem because I couldn't carry on a conversation for more than a few minutes before my mind would blank. sometimes I would get a little insecure when I saw my friends in my group getting guys, especially when it was one I had a crush on, that didn't help too much either but one day I just decided I wasn't going to let it hold me back anymore. I used to be very unassertive, but when I learned to be more assertive the confidence thing got easier and it was a lot easier to approach guys and flirting instead of just waiting in the background. Try smiling and making good eye contact. hope this helps

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Take it from someone who's been single awhile himself, its not worth worrying about. Even if you've been alone for awhile, dwelling on it too much will only make you feel worse. The best thing to do is just to pick up some interesting hobbies and such, and try to enrich your own life more. Become a more engaging person and try to enjoy life for what it is. Being this kind of confident, happy person may get you noticed by girls. And if it doesn't, then don't sweat it. If your life is fullfilling enough, you'll be fine without a girl.

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  • 2 weeks later...
  • 4 months later...

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