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Same <> different day


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Tues Nov 17


Felt like starting a journal. Never kept one for more than a few days. Never know what to say really. Last time I attempted keeping a journal I was like.. 10. But I figured I'd keep a small one.. nothing detailed, at least that's not the plan. Just maybe a little what's going on here and there, but more importantly keeping up with my weight loss plan. Low calorie diet, tons of water, cut out some bread since I eat a ton, and cut out a lot of sweets..


Currently taking Slimquick, a diet pill for women. Started two weeks ago. I need to start taking two each serving, says the directions.



Diet Pill x1

Coffee - with too much sugar

Water - need to drink more



Toasted ham n swiss cheese with mayo; few red seedless grapes

Water - moreee



Diet Pill x2






I plan on walking around the block this afternoon with the baby.

Tonight I'm going to another spinning class at 6:45.




I feel good today! It's rare that I can get up and feel completely relaxed and refreshed. I really need to start going to bed when the baby does. It's just so hard with Jeff's schedule now that it's 2pm to 10pm. I don't get to spend time with him since the new schedule started.. he gets home and stays up til 2ish, then doesn't wake up til noon the next day. He said for me to start waking him up in the morning, so hopefully he starts getting up. He's just so gripey when I wake him up...

It's like he's having a flashback dream from when he was in Iraq, thinks I'm a terrorist and ends up being mean.. and sometimes panicky. Kinda freaky, but I just keep my distance.. especially now. When I was pregnant he almost punched me in the face because I got up in the middle of the night to go pee, and he was dreaming. My friend has the same problem with her husband, but it's way worse. Poor guy. But it's gotten much better since I told my husband what he does.


Kamryn is happy today, as usual. She's such a happy baby! We really got lucky. She's starting to teethe. Uck. So after a while she's not too terribly happy. On Sunday she found out how to roll over! And sit up. And scream. ALL in one day, lol. She's so much like her daddy. She's beautiful, hilarious, and rediculously smart.


I'm starting to think I don't need a pregnancy test. Just because I breathed a funny way when I was pregnant (the breathing you do after a long and hard cry, it's like a hiccuping breathe), and just did it a few times in one day doesn't mean I'm pregnant now. And just because I haven't had my actual period yet since getting pregnant.. and then because I bled a little bit one weekend, and then again two weekends later, and haven't bled since.. doesn't mean I'm pregnant. It's just that my body is trying to go back to normal. It's only been 4 months.. I need to give myself credit and quit thinking I'm preggers. My boobs are fine. I don't have morning sickness or cravings...

It's just my hormones. I kept thinking it was PMS over the weekend, but now I'm fine.. but I didn't start my period. I was pissy, and crying all the time. Just like I did before I found out I was preggers with Kami. It's probably just my diet pill. When I took this diet pill a few years ago, I got pretty moody. Ups and downs. But not severe like rediculously happy or so low I wanted to commit suicide. Nothing like that, not at all, and not now. So I'm fine.


Edit: Took a pregnancy test that was negative. Taking another in the morning to double check. Called in my BC prescription though xD

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