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Letter to myself (in mostly third person so it hopefully might be applicable to others, at least in parts)


To quote the x-files (queue spooky music). I want to believe (not that I don't believe what I write. It's just hard to separate, as everyone knows, what you "know" and what you "feel")


Wouldn't it be good. Not just good but absolutely, truly, ruely, muely (sorry I just like nonsense rhymes) great if you could just switch the emotions off. Take a step back. The love of your life. Ex love that is (at least to them) are taking it too fast. I mean come on I don't know how long you've professed a chance of feelings for each other but it can't be too long. You were only emailed by them less than two months ago (more now). Factor in time to grow to be friends and acquaintances. Obviously I don't know the whole timeline. But from the time you told me you were developing feelings for them, within the week you were talking about how great they were and your plans to live together forever. I doubt you're professing eternal love in those words, but saying the "I love you's" and plans to move 15,000km's in such a small amount of time is just....... Seriously to take a step back. Maybe it's just my hurt, but you do seem to be taking it just a tad fast. Just a tad mind you. It might really be true and honest and you may develop a great life together. But a niggling feeling inside you (me) says that the mere fact of it's speed is indicative of something I can't quite put my finger on (guesses only) and won't provide a solid and true foundation for all the years they're expecting.


But you can't wait for them. You must move your emotions on. For everyone's sake. You....... them....... the flying spaghetti monsters, and the dog down the road with the ribbons. Lots and lots of them. Ribbons like the sun. Ribbons like the moon. Ribbons going on and on like the ramble of a heartbroken fool rambling about ribbons for no reason at all. For all the puppies in the world's sake you must move on.


Chances are they'll be burned. You still love them and don't want to see them get hurt. But they're an adult. Sometimes you have to touch the fire just to know that it is hot, it hurts, and then develop as a person.


Yes you thought they were more mature than that. But love can do strange things. Infatuation even more so. Once she's been burned (if that is, as a better part of you hopes she will find what she's looking for in the person) she'll be a better and a more whole person, more appreciative of what she has. Just wait. If she comes back she comes back. Pining and hurting yourself won't make it happen any faster. You just have to let time run it's course and wait and see. If she ends it with them then well and fine. You were right and you can say you told them so (in your head of course, as you would never go so far as tell to tell them the facts outright (not that I did)) If not, then they are truly with a wonderful person and will make a great life with them. If it comes to that, then you will slowly be able to see one whom you've loved, be happy. They took a chance. One yes with odd's not so great (at least in your mind). But they took it and won. Smile and be happy for them. By this time you will have accepted they're more happier been with them than you (doesn't say anything about you. Just their needs at this time) If on the other hand they break-up, and come back. Which are both uncertainties so you shouldn't count on it. You will be in a better position. You'll have your new life which will provide a much better vantage point to access the lowly peasants and if you should allow them to come on the journey with king you. What? Too far......... well okay. Will step down now. What I mean is you'll be able to take a good long view. Unclouded by hurt and rejection. You'll be able to discuss the problems which may have made her give her heart to another, and then work on them. And if she doesn't feel like she can. Or you don't think it will work. Then you'll be in a better position and have the strength to just say "no". It'll strengthen you as a person and give you more life experience for the next time.



P.S. I know it's hard to feel that way in your emotions. That days you can get down and want to contact. But don't. You'll feel worse afterwards and make yourself less attractive in the process. Just take it day by day and let your ex grow and discover for themselves. Hopefully they'll see the err of their ways in time. But if not who cares. Well at least logically. Afterall we live in a planet with chocolate covered peanuts. Just think of it. Two delicious foodstuffs rolled into one. Amazing I tells you.


Now if only I could get my heart to believe what I just and know it during my down days. Best of luck to me (and everyone else........... I suppose............... just kidding of course )


(The wackiness, along with (some) of the improper grammar is the best way I talk to myself. Don't read too much into it and assume I'm crazy (not that I'm necessarily saying I'm not ))

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