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She's cool but I don't like her face


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stay friends with her, don't go for the other girls. good people are hard to come by, just be patient~


Lol today she sent me like a 5 page text saying how she didn't deserve me and that she didn't think it would work, so I just responded "K bye". I guess it worked itself out so thanks guys for all of your help!

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Lol today she sent me like a 5 page text saying how she didn't deserve me and that she didn't think it would work, so I just responded "K bye". I guess it worked itself out so thanks guys for all of your help!


A girl spills her heart out, and you respond "k bye"? That's harsh! At least be a little sensitive to cushion the blow.


Edit: Ahh ok lol I read that totally wrong. SHE ended it. Ok, that's easier then. Still, "k bye"? lol come on now.

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Lol today she sent me like a 5 page text saying how she didn't deserve me and that she didn't think it would work, so I just responded "K bye". I guess it worked itself out so thanks guys for all of your help!


considering she wrote that she "didn't deserve you", ya your response was harsh IMO. did you stop to consider the motivations she had for breaking it off? Unless you were sure that "I don't deserve you" was just a line to get out of seeing you...

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Going by the title, that what we call a butherface, pronounced butterface. Everything is good but her face.


I don't know what is wrong with this girls face, but if she not that bad then I say go for her. In the long run she would be the one that you would want to be with opposed to that super hot girl that is going to dump your sorry ass for a better looking guy because she knows she could have anyone she wants.

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You guys are so black and white about hot girls.


So all hot girls are fickle and will talk about you behind your back? And have no brains? Come on, is not like that.


And to the OP, please write her a nice text, something like this:


"Hey, I'm sorry you feel that way, I really like being your friend but for now I agree that we wouldn't work out romantically because I'm not looking for anything serious". It might be BS, but please send that to her. I feel so sorry because of the LAME "k, bye" you sent her.

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Well, I have the same problem of the OP. We just went out on 4 "dates" but she's falling for me hard (or so it seems) while I'm just not attracted to her. I mean, I enjoy the kissing and so on but I'm not excited at the idea of having sex with her. So, would you please suggest me a "good" way to tell her I'm not interested in dating her anymore?


They say honesty is the best policy but I really don't want to damage her self-esteem. Help me please...we should go out tomorrow but I want to cut things off before a 5th date, if possible. I think that the longer I wait, the worse it'll be for her.


Also, is it okay to "dump" someone over IM or text if it's only been 4 dates? Or am I supposed to give her the line "I need to talk to you"...? It'd be a little too much IMO...

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If you're only dating it's fine to just end it over text yes. Ive done it / had it done multiple times. It's not like you're exclusive or anything. Just say something like "Hey, so I think you're an amazing girl and we really get along but I don't feel that "spark" for you as more than friends."


Simple/easy and to the point.

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At your age Blueman, doesn't really matter what you do. Most people don't find the one they want to spend the rest of their lives with at 17 and in highschool. So continue to be picky and fickled. You'll grow out of it later and then who knows, maybe you'll settle down with someone who has an ugly face but amazing personality yet will be gorgeous in your eyes. But maybe you'll find someone physically beautiful with a great personality too!

Either way, your decision most likely will not affect the rest of your entire life. Just have fun.

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If you're only dating it's fine to just end it over text yes. Ive done it / had it done multiple times. It's not like you're exclusive or anything. Just say something like "Hey, so I think you're an amazing girl and we really get along but I don't feel that "spark" for you as more than friends."


Simple/easy and to the point.


Just tell her you're clingy, possessive, and insecure, and don't think her chemistry for you would last.


She might take this as a challenge though, but what I would do is ask her about exes, and if she dumped one ask her why, then compare yourself to the ex that she dumped. Or if there's a creepy guy you both know, or both have seen that you know for a fact she was creeped out by, bring him up and ask "how am i different from him? i just made the right first impression on you". You could always ACT insecure, or turn your confidence off (at least as far as she sees), those are pretty much universal turn-offs.


I mean, there's a ton of ways to turn a girl off, and if she's turned off, you'll be letting her down easy, and she won't feel unattractive and get depressed about it or anything.

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Wow, this thread is harsh. I fully agree that he shouldn't stay involved with someone who he's not attracted to, for whatever reasons but the 5 page text and then the overly callous response, makes me feel so badly for this poor girl. In many ways, she's lucky he's no longer part of her life.

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Lol today she sent me like a 5 page text saying how she didn't deserve me and that she didn't think it would work, so I just responded "K bye". I guess it worked itself out so thanks guys for all of your help!


LMAO! That actually made me laugh out loud for real. You're heartless dude.

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I'm not saying he should stay with her to spare her feelings, but that's a really... callous response on his part.


Yeah I think that was harsh IMO.


At the end of the day personality is way more important than looks, of course you do need some attraction. But that can change, however looks fade. But the OP is young, no need for him to get serious in relationships just yet.


I personally don't think that avy is him btw.

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