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I have a hard time ignoring my ex.

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I've tried my best to ignore him when he's contacted me, but it's very difficult for me and I always cave in. I just want to make it clear; I have no intention of getting back into a relationship with him nor do I want to be friends with him. I often feel disrespected by him, but I find it difficult to do anything ''disrespectful'' towards him ( like ignoring him) because I still love him. I want to actually ignore him for more than a few days (hopefully it's permanent) but I need some help. Does anyone have any tips on what I can?

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He broke up with me 3 months ago after his ex came back into the picture ( i found out afterwards). I'm not dating anyone, but I am playing the field. He was my first serious relationship, first love, first sexual relationship etc. As for him, I'm not sure if he is dating anyone but I suspect that he is ( and probably back with his ex girlfriend). How do I program myself to be okay with ignoring him?

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you force yoursself to leave the phone alone! when ever you want to text him just remember why you don't want him back in the first place and all the things he did to you to make you feel disrespected. i know it sounds harsh but that is the only thing that you can do to forget about him. you think he is seeing his ex right? so why do you still allow him in your life?

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you force yoursself to leave the phone alone! when ever you want to text him just remember why you don't want him back in the first place and all the things he did to you to make you feel disrespected. i know it sounds harsh but that is the only thing that you can do to forget about him. you think he is seeing his ex right? so why do you still allow him in your life?


Because it's too hard to let go. But you're right. I need to find the power to overcome this.

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Hi reminisce,


Did you make it known to him that you'd appreciate it if he doesn't contact you? If you did, then it's pretty obvious that he doesn't respect you nor your wishes. Going back to basics, it's terribly hard to ignore someone you still have feelings for, so I am not going to advice you with all the technicalities on how to turn your back on someone.


Instead of staying on the receiving end, why not take the offensive and tell him your thoughts outrightly, in plain and simple terms such that he can understand that you'll be happier without his recurring presence? There's a time to love, and there's a time to let go. When the latter path is chosen, it's hard for anyone to move forward with their lives if their past comes a knocking every now and then.


Make it clear that you have no intention of rekindling the flame. And if he really cares about your happiness, he should leave you well alone. Take care.

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the fact of the matter is you need to cut all contact with him. its only hurting you if you go on like this. i know it will hurt to not talk to him anymore but believe me it will hurt more for longer if you go on like this. you will get over him and then you will laugh at yourself because you won't know what you were thinking! most of us have been where you are now! strongs though! its hard.

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Hi community. I post on loveshack but someone put a great story/link from a poster here so I followed it and here I am. I'd also like to apologise for my spellings & grammar as I'm writing this on my phone


it's now day 24 nc (been split about 7 weeks or so?)


You ask 'how can you avoid him?' well so far I've ignored 4 unread emails, 7 unread texts and 4 phonecall's in the space of less than a week. I love this girl with every bone in my body but she broke us up (twice now). I'm partly responsable (long story) but religion is also part of the problem (I'll elaborate if asked)


The ONLY way I've found that has given me strenth to ignore her is I don't want anymore rejection. I'm on anti depresents & more rejection will simply push me over the edge. It's as simple as that for me. I can't face her or her words right now.


My advice would be the same as everyone else's I guess - you have to go HARD nc, retrieve your self esteem/worth and fill your day with gym, activities, work & friends/family. The self esteem bit is so important because (don't want to give you false hope) it's about yourself and prove to them you don't need them well I find that's when they want what they can't have


NC is for you though, it's not a game to win them back - it's often just a by product bc your showing strength, maturity & an ability to move on


I can do it, you can do it



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I've tried my best to ignore him when he's contacted me, but it's very difficult for me and I always cave in. I just want to make it clear; I have no intention of getting back into a relationship with him nor do I want to be friends with him. I often feel disrespected by him, but I find it difficult to do anything ''disrespectful'' towards him ( like ignoring him) because I still love him. I want to actually ignore him for more than a few days (hopefully it's permanent) but I need some help. Does anyone have any tips on what I can?



Time helps but aside from that, think about all the times he's hurt you (he worked for me). And I still see my ex almost on a daily basis but I get through it. That's all helps and having good friends to listen to you.


nvgiveup because things will get better

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