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Astrology...who buys into it?


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So I've often found myself googling my sign (Aries) and its compatibility with people I may be getting to know.


I'm wondering... does anyone else do this? How much do you buy into it? How much weight do you give to something that really is fairly open to interpretation?

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Bottom line is it's a load of bs since people just make it up. I usually don't believe in this crap; however, this past summer I've run into so much horoscopes that were actually telling the truth at least for me and my buddy, so I'm starting to think its more true.


One of part of my monthly horoscope for July said that it will be full of questioning and confusion, well let me tell you how this did happen and I had read this in the middle of the month.

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They make Horoscopes for entire months now? Wow.[/url]


Yeah on link removed they have daily, weekly, and monthly horoscopes. They are pretty freaky becuase the people I have shown them to could reflect on them. I explained about one thing on my horoscope. Well I showed my buddy his horoscope at work, and it said about money problems, well my buddy had finished telling me had a 2000 dollar credit card bill with only 17 dollars in his bank account.


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I'm going to read into this when I get home from classl as my class is ending pretty soon. I'm going to get back to you on this.

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Horoscopes are complete nonsense, but I think there is something to real astrology. It's a systematic mapping of stars and other celestial bodies, and you have to look at someone's entire chart to get anything useful. I think there is something to it though don't take it completely at face value. The zodiac predates all known religions, and is found in ancient cultures on every inhabited continent.


I'm not sure what my feelings are about the zodiac wholly, but it is clearly a map and a clock.

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Not unless one hits you, anyway.


I think that stuff is really effective, but pagan. Lots of politicians are into it. I think Hitler was. New Age stuff which in my study is connected to Satanism/Luciferianism. I sure had some trippy experiences with Reiki-related work last year.


Haven't studies Astrology part of it though.

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No, I don't buy into it at all. While I think that there IS a lot more going on in the world around us than most people recognize or realize, I believe that the horoscope phenomenon is driven more by money and the exploitation of the gullible than any science or sincere spirituality. But either way, there are so many, infinitely more compelling ways to determine relationship compatibility than by comparing and contrasting star signs.

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