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Traveling Alone


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Hello Everyone:


I need all of your opinions on making a decision that is completely out of the norm for me.


I've been really into faeries for a while as an escape from the real world. I dream about going to the temperate rain forests in oregon and walking on the beach and just smelling in the ocean air. I am inspired by nature and would love to be able to experience this.


I've been aware of Faerieworlds and Faeriecon and have missed them continuously year after year because of either financial reasons or being in school. Now, however, I graduated from college in spring, I have a sort of crappy job and will be getting my first paycheck this coming week.


Faeriecon is this coming weekend in Maryland for the entire weekend. I started to wonder if I should spend my entire check on this trip and ask off for work on Saturday.


Also, I live in my parent's house and am in the process of getting into graduate school. My parents make a scene whenever me or my brothers are going to go out.


I don't go out at all, I have no friends, I am a cave troll that would like to be a faerie for just one weekend.


Please help me make this decision.


ALSO, I'm already starting to change my mind about this. I discourage myself because I've become complacent with this dull, miserable life. I'm afraid to venture and experience new things even though I thirst for these things. My parents have done an excellent job in turning all of us into complacent miserable, non-sociable losers who will never experience true enjoyment.

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I am ... like you, that person who seems complacent with the state of their life but really isn't. If I know your type well enough, I know that you will not take the trip, at least not without a good reason or at least knowing that there aren't many "risks" involved with such a move. When you get so used to something, you tend to have a very hard time breaking out of it (i.e., your state of complacency). Now, if I knew what you could do to break out of this chain, I would tell you. But I just don't, and urg it's frustrating isn't it? You're here posting for a reason. I would've done the same sort of thing.

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