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Is there hope?

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If you have been broken up with someone for two months and htey are "dating" other people. Is it possible to get back with that person? If yes, then how can I do this. Right now we are not on good terms he is being cold and bitter and very immature. But yet I love him and am willing to work through it. If he can change because I know the sweet gentle spirit I met and fell in love with is still there. At the breakup he said he was just twisted and he needed some time to figure stuff out but he still loved me. I dont know if that is true anymore and I am very scared. I miss him so much and want nothing more to be with him. So is there hope?

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hi, yes there is hope if he is willing to work at it too. I have been in this same situation a few years ago, and we are married now.


Yes, my husband and I are having problems, but who doesn't. Try to get him to sit down and talk to you, and see how each other feels. Be honest with him, and tell him that you want to know, honestly, how he feels. But by chance if he doesn't want to try it again, you can find someone that is ready for a loving relationship.


I feel also that if he loves you like he said he did, then he wouldn't treat you the way he is. Hope this helped a little. Good Luck

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Sorry for your loss. And yes hope is a very good thing. I love the word hope, and without it many people in the world would lost. And that would include me. In relationships you sometimes have to do a reality check sometimes. Anything can happen in the future, no one really knows. When the heart calls anything can happen. Don't be scared, try and understand what went wrong. Don't be hard on yourself, and don't lay around waiting. You may want to consider dating yourself. False hope is not a good thing. Sometimes we have to move on, at least for now. You have heard the saying. If you love someone let them go if they come back to you then they were yours. If not it was not meant to be. Don't be so hard on yourself, you are young and have everything to be grateful for. And remember you cannot force someone to love us or change. That is all up to them. Good things happen when I pray, I don't know why, but they do.


God Bless




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