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Not sure what to do..


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Hi all, been a long time since I was last here - having been single for 2 years now I have finally found a guy I am interested in.


We had our first date last week and he contacted me today for the first time since then but he didn't ask to arrange another date. Should I ask him if he fancies meeting up for a drink sometime or just leave it and see if he gets back in touch?


Its been so long since I last dated I don't know what to do in this situation

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Yeaaahhh nothing wrong with asking him out!!


Don't be affraid of rejection. If you ask a guy out and he says no, it is because he didn’t want to go out with you, not because you took away the chase or something. Have you ever heard anyone say, “Yeah, I really liked her. But then she asked me out, and I was just like…meh. If she’s not going to let me chase her, I’d just as soon date someone I don’t like as much.”, .... Well I never heard that! I think it's shows confidence if you ask him


Just say something like... "Hey I really had a good time with you, when will I see you again?"


Go for it and good luck!!

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Thanks for the replies.


Well, I sent him a text asking if he'd like to meet up for a drink sometime and he replied - but not really with the answer I was hoping for. He juts said "Yes, we can do"


Anyway... I was out with friends that night and foolishly had far too much to drink and ended up texting him again after my purse was stolen at 3am. I then text later to apologise for texting him, DOH!! and he did reply, just saying he was glad I got home safe


Just a warning to you all - if you have his number but don't want to make a fool of yourself like I did - write it on a piece of paper, delete it from your phone, then you can't text when really you know you shouldn't



Me I'm back to square one - absolutely know I'll never hear from him again!!

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