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Has this ever happened to any of you?


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Alright so my boyfriend told me that a few of my friends on Facebook have been trying to add him. He doesn't accept people he doesn't know on his Facebook . I am wondering if any of you have experienced a friend adding your bf or gf onto there page at all?? If so, why did they? I don't understand that.


I find it strange and it makes me feel like they're doing something behind my back because....


1.) They don't even know my boyfriend so why in the heck would you want to add him? I don't go around adding my friend's bf or gf's! I find it quite odd that some of my friends would do that. I can understand if they met him and decided to add him later, but without ever meeting him yet? ODD!!


2.) I feel it's disrespectful to me because it's like your going behind my back and adding him without me knowing about it.


3.) I think the better thing to do is ask me first, if they can add him as a friend for instance, " Lauren, would it be ok if I added your boyfriend because...." then I wouldn't think anything fishy is up or wonder why the heck so and so is on his page!


What do you guys think?? I ain't mad at my friends but I sure wonder what the hell, you know!?!?

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I think they might just want to know the type of guy thats dating their friend. I would hope there doing it to see that he isnt the type of guy to hurt you.


atleast thats the reason I got when I asked why some of her friends added me, seems pretty valid.

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I think for some people on facebook its all about numbers more than knowing the person for some reason. One of my boyfriends mates kept trying to add me long before we met and I kept asking my boyfriend why he wanted to add me and he just laughed and said he didnt know so when I did meet him I asked him and he said he just wanted more friends than his wife, but i think he just wanted to see what I was like, really lol.


Also my mate added my bf for some reason I think she just wanted to see what he was like.


we now have a handful of each others friends on our fb but we have met them now.

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They do it out of curiosity I imagine. I can understand that it would make you feel uncomfortable though.


Thank you for seeing that. Yeah I wouldn't go and add my friends bf's just to add them or to see what they're about. I can meet them in person someday and if I want to add them to my friend's list then I will. I think out of respect my friends should at least tell me that they're going to add him so I know. Just doing it without me knowing seems suspicious and odd!! I can understand that they want to see what kind of guy he is but there ain't much on his profile to began with so it's not like they'll find out much so I dk its just odd to me. Some of them have there own bf's they don't need to worry about mine or get up in our business!!

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