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Friend doesn't "get it"....long


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I have a friend who has tried to set me up with a woman from his job. I am 43 and she is 28 and I think she is too young for me. I had talked to her on the phone several times to try to set up a date with her, but she kept making excuses. I was going to meet her just to make this friend happy and see what happened.

I had gotten frustrated with the whole situation and told the friend I was not interested in meeting or talking to her. Fast forward about a month and the friend's sister is getting married and I am invited to go. At the last minute the friend invites the 28 y/o woman! I decide not to go to the wedding and the friend is clueless as to why. After a day or so he finally realizes why I didn't go to the wedding and comes and apologizes to me. My question is why do you think he invited her and why doesn't he listen to me when I tell him no on things. As far as the woman why do you think she keeps on insisting on meeting me when I have told her I am not interested? I personally think she has a thing for my friend and bringing me into the picture gives her a reason to talk to him. Any help would be appreciated.

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Everyone looooves to play the matchmaker. Your friend is insistent because he feels like he knows what's better for you than you do. This woman either feels inclined to meet with you so she doesn't come off as anti-social or rude. Be straightforward and let your friend know, thanks, but you do not want him to try to set you up with anyone in the future.

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It sounds like his intentions are good but is a little to pushy. Our friends want us to be happy and that is simply what he is trying to do. Be firm but don't be a jerk. Tell him what you are looking for in a woman and if he meets someone like that then by all means talk to you about her. If not you are not interested.



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