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How Late is 2 late for female company


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My bf has a female friend whom i have become friends with myself who constantly calls and texts his phone. recently she came over at midnight to watch a show with him but she has cable in her home and the ability to catch the show at an earlier time. I had an issue with her coming over to his apt not only that late but alone! He thinks i'm overreacting but i think its disrespectful to his home and our relationship to let another woman come over that time of night. Am i being a prude is it a reasonable time when a single woman should not be entering a man in a relationship's home?

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I don't think you overreacting at all, however there will be some people here who think there's nothing wrong with males and females hanging out at any time as long as you trust your partner. In my opinion, it should be up to your comfort level and if you don't feel it is appropriate - then it probably isn't. I would not like it either.

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Yes I would have issues if my g/f had a male friend that came and hung out at all hours of the night when I wasn't there. I have no issues with a people in a relationship having single friends of the opposite sex, but at that time of the night and at his home, I'd be putting my foot down...Not acceptable.


I'd be getting the impression that she was after something more than just hanging out if she is always ringing and texting.

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I absolutely second sunshine 1. I also agree with Keyman that she seems a little too invested in your bf to be communicating so often, on top of going over so late at night.


It's odd to go over at midnight & I would not like it if it were my bf, nor would I do it vice versa with a guy, out of respect for him/us. It takes things into another "feeling" or energy place other than cordial at that time.

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Yes I would have issues if my g/f had a male friend that came and hung out at all hours of the night when I wasn't there. I have no issues with a people in a relationship having single friends of the opposite sex, but at that time of the night and at his home, I'd be putting my foot down...Not acceptable.


I'd be getting the impression that she was after something more than just hanging out if she is always ringing and texting.


Bingo! I'm not insecure, but her actions cross the line. Her constantly calling and texting on a daily basis would be inappropriate. I would have a few words with my bf if I saw any of that crap going on.

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No you are not being irrational on this at all. I would be highly upset as well if my bf were to do this. There should be no reason for her to be over his house so late in the evening. Why don't you ask your bf how he would feel if you were to do that with one of your guy friends?

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It's ironic but I have a similar female friend issue that I just posted. I feel the exact same way. Personally I feel it's a little inappropriate for someone other than your significant other to be hanging around your bf's place so late at night. Even if there's nothing going on he and the girl should respect your feelings and know that it hurts you.

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Thank you all for your responses. I am taking it all into consideration. I just didn't want to believe that I was being irrational for having those feelings because apparently I seem insecure according to him.


Nope, you are not being irrational at all. Your feelings are pretty much justified.

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