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some relationship bullcrap


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If you think it's something he can do for himself then yeah, there's no reason you should feed his laziness. If he wants you to lie for him then that's also something that's not worthwhile. If he wants you to do weird stuff, I guess that would depend on what your idea of weird is. Bottom line is if you're not comfortable with it, don't do it.

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Lie about what though? That he didn't like the sweater his mom made for him? Or that you're an alibi for him?


yeah, i agree. there's a difference between a small lie like telling his mom he likes his sweater or birthday gift, vs. something bigger, like lying to his boss that he is sick, or even bigger, lying to the police about his whereabouts!


i would ask him why he can't clean up his own messes? is he into doing illegal things?

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he has a court date tues he wants me to lie and say i am his sister and that he cannot make it there because he is at work.
Ok that's big lie that can get you in trouble. I wouldn't do that if I were you. What if they investigate about you and him and want more information, then you'll be charges with lying along with a fee to pay...
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he has a court date tues he wants me to lie and say i am his sister and that he cannot make it there because he is at work.


That's more than asking you to lie for him. That's asking you to purjur yourself in court. Very bad idea and very thoughtless on his part. Unless you want to risk going to jail, I would recommend you don't have anything to do with it.

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Seriously anyone that would put their SO at risk of going to jail should get dumped right away... If he has a court date then it's likely he's either in trouble or have to present important documents. Eitherway, why complicate yourself in this???


Isn't this a little hypocritical? After all, marrying someone to get papers could put you and your SO in jail

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Isn't this a little hypocritical? After all, marrying someone to get papers could put you and your SO in jail
Who knows, I might fall in love once again if I were to see him, maybe... Sometimes that's all it takes, to bring the triggers (that made you fall in love) back. But yea gonna have to dump him if it doesn't happen.....


But isn't this hijacking the post... Think you should focus on the original poster....

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