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Constipated badly. Advice, please.

Sam _

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I am very constipated and have been for the past two hours. I literally cannot crap and the discomfort is just enough to keep me from moving around my house for long. I'm 20 and this is the first time I've ever been constipated and I'm a little impatient at times so you can likely imagine how frustrated I am right now. Is there any advice anyone can give me? Anything at all, like how to get rid of it in a few minutes rather than a laxative that takes 6-12 hours before it activates or what I should or should not do while I wait before I finally have a bowel movement?

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Don't eat any cheese or anything. Eat like bananas or fruits with high fiber. I had to eat about 4 bananas before I finally felt ready to when I had this problem recently. I was able to get through it without laxatives.


Don't force it or sit there for too long b/c it can cause damage or hemmroids (sp?). You may also want to get some stool softener pills (like Dulcolax)so it doesn't hurt so much coming out.

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my son is 7 and has chronic constipation. he usually has VERY large turds. well, just this past weekend he started having pain in his stomach. i realized he hadn't pooped in at least a week!! i knew he had poop up there and it HAD to come out. i went online to research how he could poop NOW! i came accross a website that was how to deimpact yourself in the wilderness. i read it and decided that was what i needed to do. i had him lay on his side in the bathtub. i put on rubber gloves. i had a douche that i dumped out and filled with warm water. i got out the petroleum jelly.

i then proceeded to evacuate his bowels. it took a few times with the water and then prodding and reshaping with my finger, but it eventually started 'melting' and getting smaller and coming out. he felt IMMEDIATE relief! i continued to get it all out. there was ALOT in there! this was a few days ago. i have been having him drink fiber therapy twice a day. trying to get him to eat fruits and veggies.. which isn't easy. he eats broccoli though! but not peas, carrots, green beans. anyway.. it's been 4 days and he still hasn't pooped.. i'm going to give him a laxative to see if he can get it moving!


well.. i hope you don't have to go to this extreme of a measure to get your poop out. but it's very important that it does come out asap.. if you haven't pooped lately.

i would suggest the laxative. it's only 6-12 hours. that's not that long. i don't think anything will make you poop NOW. i researched it already. at least with the laxative you'll be going soon!

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I think anything that contains a good amount of fiber will hopefully be helpful: eating a serving of oatmeal, brown rice, or fruits & vegetables. Another thing that really helps is if you drink a tablespoon of olive oil on its own. It might feel strange to do that, but it can help (it can act as a lubricant inside your body, and help things flow).

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