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I miss you so much! Ive learned to accept but boy do I wish I could change the past! I miss seeing you. I miss being with you. I had such a great time with you. Thank you so much for everything that you've done for me. I had the best times of my life. I hope you did too.


Best of luck for you. Take care.

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2 days before you left me I prayed for you...


No I didn't pray that we'd stay together forever, I prayed for your happiness. I guess your happiness didn't involve 'us'


I wish I was your happiness.


I'm thinking of going to the doctor... I'm pretty sure I'm going through some form of depression


I'm sure you're ok though.

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How are you doing? Youve changed so much since we last saw each other. Im worried about you. Ive already lost you once, and the thought of losing you forever just kills me. I cant be there for you anymore. Im not in the position to do so. This is what you wanted.



Promise me that youll be careful, alright? You're better than this. I know you are.

If you ever need me, you know where to find me.

Take care

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Today marks one month since you told me we were breaking up. How are you doing?! I truly hope you miss me as much as I miss you. I want you to come back to me, not to get back together, but so I can tell you how much you devastated my life and broke up heart. I want to tell you that I think you are a selfish coward. If you felt this way for "awhile" why didn't you tell me there was a problem. Why not ease it in instead of making plans for that week and then breaking up with me.


I miss your family. I miss your smile. I miss our games we played. I miss watch big bang with you and singing along. I don't miss your job. I don't miss your roommates. I don't miss you alwayssss texting me instead of calling (even thoh I asked for you to call). I don't miss your messy room. All in all though, I miss you.... I thought your heart was real. I believed that you loved me more than I even loved myself. You always cared so much and did so many great things to make me happy. I thought that you were secretly paying for the ring we picked out. Where did I go wrong? What did I do to make you hate me and stop loving me? How can you just go on with your life as if I was never part of it?!



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the stages of grief. last night I had a moment of acceptance. My strength returned and I was so content with life, driving around town by myself, listening to music. It was amazing.


For that one night.


And here I am, back to bouncing between bargaining and depression once again.


I wish we didn't work together.

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I'm sorry for the stress I put in your life. I appreciate everything you did for me, so much that it makes me cry. I forgive you. I have been thinking about you so much the past week. I wonder how you are doing. I want you to be happy. Everything is falling apart for me now, not because of you, because everything is going wrong for me all at once.

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I'm sorry for the stress I put in your life. I appreciate everything you did for me, so much that it makes me cry. I forgive you. I have been thinking about you so much the past week. I wonder how you are doing. I want you to be happy. Everything is falling apart for me now, not because of you, because everything is going wrong for me all at once.


I know what you're going through

It seems like everything is going wrong in my life all at once. While my ex is completely content with his life, he even got a new job....

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I cant understand how one day im ur soulmate,the love of your life.We made so man plans you were going to move in with me and the kids we were going to have a baby and only a few weeks before you broke my heart you booked a holiday for us and was so excited.

Now you act like i dont excist you dont even ask how my kids are.yesterday you went on about your ex even though i asked you not to.when you started talking about your holiday coming which i should have been on with u ,im so glad your battery died becaus i cant understand how you dont realise how much im hurting and yet your life seems to just move on as if them months didnt happen.

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When I pray, I pray for you.


I had put you first, and I still do.


Why? Because that is what real love is. I cared for your happiness, with or without me. But now, I must stop loving you. You will look back one day, and realize the biggest mistake you've made in your life. I promise you that. You're so naive, you chase the rush, the infatuation, not knowing how to really love...not knowing how to even love yourself.


Pretty girls come a dime a dozen. I'm an amazing girl - and it's definitely your loss.

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I miss you so much


Im not mad at you for leaving me. Im mad at myself for not putting in any effort into making you happy... Youve done so much for me and I only wish that I could give something back to you. Anything. Ive realized that I didnt deserve you. If I were you, I'd break up with me too, but I just wish that I knew what I now know. I wish that I could at least make you happy, because you made me happy. I owe you.


I wish that one day, I will have something to offer to you, and when that time come, I hope that you will be generous enough to give me another chance.


but why would you....


I guess the best gift I could give for you now is the gift of freedom.

I wish I could let you go. I owe you that much.

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hey....umm..dont know if you feel better today. just wanna say hi to you without let you know.

I got your email yesterday and to be honest it really confused me. It hurts so bad when someone rejected you. you did that to me. so how come you ask me to be your friend and forget about everything we did before. reknow each other again. I cant do it.

I really cant.

I know your answer is still no. Its ok. I got it.

I think I will disappear from your life after we finish work at the end of this month.

This is too much for me, if you still say we cant be together then please dont say how sad you feel how guilty you feel for me. I dont wanna hear it I dont need it.

All I want now is get over this as best as I can. I dont know how long it will take but dont worry I absolutely wont contact with you at all. Just please forget about me. Thats all I want from you and I am sure you can do it.

Take care wish you have good life. wish you and her have future,be together happily.

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Hope your birthday was good. I've finally come to a point where, although I love you and still care for you, I don't know you anymore. The caring girl I once knew is gone. I will always wish the best for you, but now I'm gone from your life for good and you don't need to worry about me bothering you anymore. Take care of yourself and your amazing daughter. Maybe fate will intervene someday... but if not and until then, GoodBye my dear.

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This is really killing me. I'm sorry for the things I said, but as I told you I think I had a right to be angry considering how you treated me. I miss you so much, you made me leave you, you didn't give me any choice.. How could I go on living with you while you were lying and cheating? telling me you were going to see K, when D lives in the same house??? who the hell would believe that?? I know that you were still messaging him, arranging to go out and met up, why couldn't you just tell the truth and give me the choice so we could split amicabley??

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I still can't believe you built up all my hopes and dreams for a second time, only to tell me that those dreams weren't mine to have. I hope you and him are having a wonderful time, really I do. I just can't believe you tore my heart up without a second thought. You're selfish beyond words, you didn't shed a tear. You told me "I want him, not you", do you know how that feels? My heart has been emptied of all desires and dreams, I don't know if I can ever trust again. Why would you do that to me? why? You knew all along that it was one huge lie. I love you but hate you. You said one day we might be able to be friends, when the pain has gone. I can't do that, I can never see you again.

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Ugh! It's so hard to shake you off my mind. I couldn't sleep last night and all I could do was think about you. I don't care if I'm wrong but I believe you were thinking of me at the same time. I felt a connection to you somehow, I felt you reaching out to me. It's so hard, I can't even call you honey anymore cause your'e no longer mine...


Then I had a dream about you and saw you for the first time in a long time. I only had a few hours of sleep last night and woke up in pain cause I couldn't hold you. I'm sorry for treating you bad, it's true that we don't know what we really had till it's gone. I want you to know I love you so much.


I am not contacting you because you need time alone, that is the only reason I haven't called. If I thought I could convince you, I would but I know you do not want to be with me anymore. They say if you love someone, let them go, and if they love you, they will come back. I hope this is going to be our story one day....

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I can't believe I cried on my birthday because you wouldn't text me. Even though we're no longer in contact, I thought you would at least send me a text. But you didn't. I miss you so much, and I wish this were easier. I wonder all the time how you're coping with it. I want to pick up the phone sometimes, and just ask how you are and catch up with you but now that we're more than 300 miles apart, I don't think it will do any good for me to be back in your life, and vice versa. Sounds like you're having a blast though...

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I miss you so much. I think about you all the time. Im starting to forget, but I cant seem to let go. I dont want to let go. I refuse to.

You were everything to me. I used to act like I dont care about anything. I was that cool guy that nothing seems to bother him.


But if there is one thing I care about, its you.


I just hope you feel the same about us as I do.

When you're ready, I hope Im ready. Please come back to me.

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I've been a mess ever since you asked me "How's everything going? Are you happy?" Yeah, I told you things are going well, and you responded with "I'm happy again." Good. Truly, what I want is for you to be happy. That's why I don't interject in your life/decisions. It felt like a slap in the face when you told me you're happy again. You're happy because of another man, and I'm still grieving over losing you. I wonder if you think about me the way I think about you, and then I realize, how could you? You've got a happy new relationship. I don't know what to think. I'm ready to move on, but I'm finding it very difficult to do. I just want to be happy again.

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