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this seems a weird question, but it's about size "down there"..


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Well, as others have said (or implied), it's a big ego boost. Our culture makes a big deal that a guy with a big member is sought after like a woman who can be Playmate of the Year. And some women do think that way (some have even said so on ENA!).


Ultimately, it's the confidence that helps big phallused guys get laid rather than their having a big phallus. I mean, I'm just speculating, but everything I've come to learn about attraction suggests this. Not to mention how impractical it'd be for the large penis to play a role in bedding women. It's not like guys can just whip it out in public and say "Hey, wanna try this on for size?".


I'm actually above average and I know it hasn't helped me.

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OK. say a man is big down there. would he think he has a right to have sex, in the sense that he is making women feel pleasure with his big wang?

It's not like guys can just whip it out in public and say "Hey, wanna try this on for size?"

I was just gonna carry large condoms on a string around my neck instead of in my pocket, go up to the first hot girl I see, and order her to come home with me. If she protests, I'll just point to the condom packet and say "I know my rights!".

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OK. say a man is big down there. would he think he has a right to have sex, in the sense that he is making women feel pleasure with his big wang?


I know it seems dumb to ask, but isn't it true to say most well-endowed men think this way?



I have an ex who is quite big down there and he pretty much thinks he is gods gift to women


Although he has not had tons of girlfriends or anything. I still talk to him as friends though he has tried to tell me about his sex life ebfore not that I care. But I am not sure if I can believe he gives his girlfriend 4 - 10 orgasams when they have sex. I mean maybe its true but it seems like a lot...


I am not sure if they all think that way but I know some guys who think without a doubt they can get any girl off because of their size.

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