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REcently diagnosed....although only after an hour with a specialist in the field for the first time....so im skeptical, BUT for those who know about it or have it in your down Depressive episodes or just any time

.......DO you physically get tired, fatigue, mental exhaustion, feel kinda of sick or hungover, or out of it. DOes it make you feel like crap physically.

I was recently diagnosed and feeling like crap during the day has begun to overshadow any other mental or life problems i have had, i would take any of those problems over how i physically feel lately.......DO you think this is part of being BI POLAR...thanks

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Well, for me, every time I am feeling depressed, I tend to get physically sick more easily. My senior year of high school (I was diagnosed at the beginning of the year) I had mono, staph infections all the time, and had a new cold every two weeks. I was sick about 3/4ths of the year and it was terrible. I went to sleep around 8 or 9 PM then slept as late as possible and skipped morning classes a lot. Then I would come home and nap for 5 hours and straight through dinner. I lost 20-30 pounds that first year also because I couldn't eat. I just couldn't. The weight loss probably lead to me being sick so much also.


So yeah, I think mental sickness leads to physical sickness and physical sickness (for people with mental health problems) leads to mental sickness. It's just one big, vicious cycle.


Do your best to make lifestyle changes that will help keep you healthy. Sleep enough, stick to a regular sleep schedule, eat healthy, get exercise 4-5 days a week even if it is just walks, meditate, read, write in a journal-whatever helps you feel good.

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It indeed sounds like depression, and chronic fatigue is definitly a sign of depression. Bi-polar however is marked with significant mood swings.


The best thing to do is to post your life story on the problems that are bothering you know so we can work on your problem.

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Depression in general would cause that symptom.


Bipolar means you get waaaaaayyyyyyyy too wild, and then way too low.


My son has this, the worst case possible. He can stay in bed practically forever, then the next thing you know he can't sleep at all and can't stop talking. And he buys books that he doesn't need and can't afford. The last manic episode he has, last month, he spent $200 on books. This happens even with the best medication available. I can imagine what it would be like if he were not being treated.


Do you rush? I mean, do you get on a high that causes you to forget what time it is?

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Oh I forgot to say that I only get physically "down" during depressive episodes. When I'm manic, it's completely different. I feel really good sometimes, sleep very little, get a lot done, talk really fast, move a lot, have a lot of energy. Sometimes it gets too extreme and I hallucinate and get extremely irritable and angry.


If you haven't experienced any manic episodes, then Bipolar may not be the right diagnosis.

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Yeah I am actually feeeling sick right now.......But i do get manic.....but honestly it feels like i wish i could all the time.....I dont get too crazy but my personality is definitely a litttle crazy and i am in a great mood....and the unrealistic idealized thinking really peaks. But my depressive episodes are much longer, and they last weeks....while my "up" manic periods only last about two days.

BUt whatever it is.....it has made me so paranoid, wondering if someone has poisined me....or i have some low grade infection.....Basically just looking for answers as to why i feel so crappy so much

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