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I hate living.


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Life sucks. The people that call themseves my "friends" are selfish stupid people. No one understands me. I'm alone and no matter how hard I try I can never seem to do things right. I just want to be done with it all. I am scared and need someone to talk me through this please...

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I’m sorry to know that, but life should get better somehow for you. My life was sux too but sometimes it's really nice. Just give it sometime. a lot of people don't like they life now and then, but never think of dying or anything please. How old are you anyways, maybe we can talk and be friends

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I feel that way sometimes too. My life can be so "blah" sometimes and it seems like everybody's busy doing their own thing, worrying about their problems, etc... like nobody genuinely cares about anybody else's life anymore. I always get upset, thinking nobody understands me. But that's not true. I just haven't found the right person to open up to..


It's hard to find a good friend and I think a lot of people can agree on that. So you're not alone.


You say nothing you do is right... what have you done "wrong"?

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Hopefully your friends are at least good for some conversation or going out for a meal or movie.


All people are selfish to some extent. And they are communal and spiritual to some extent.


Your friends can only perceive your actions and come up with a judgement about you. If there is a hidden 'you', they'd not be able to know about it unless your actions supported that personality.


Perhaps honor the real you with the correct behavior that supports your true self. Then people would understand you completeley at all times.

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my wife is sometimes like that. When life gets hard, she just wants to go into a comma until everything is better and then come out and enjoy life then.


the only thing that I can really offer is that the most important thing to have is someone (or some people) that you can share your deepest and true feelings with, without being judged.


Ideally, a really good friend is best for this, and if you don't have one it can be hard to find one, but if you need to talk to just express your feelings, we are here to be an ear for you and we will always do our best to be understanding and helpful for you.

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think of that.....all what we can do is talk with you and become friends woth you.....life can be sucks even if you have everything you ever wanted......all you gotta do is to be strong and do something that amke you happy.....and friend....most of them are good as time you are okay...when you are in trouble...they just disapear.....so....talk with us when you feel that you need to talk with someone.....and in the end...your life will be okay

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Sometimes I am just so lonely. It hurts so badly. I have no true friends and sometimes I want someone just to hold me so badly. I never had a deep or emotional relationship with my mother. Now that I am older I don't want to try to start that because I don't view her as a person I can talk to about this sort of thing. I hide my feelings from her and others. I feel the need for someone to love me, to hold me and care for me. I never had that as a child...

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Sometimes I am just so lonely. It hurts so badly. I have no true friends and sometimes I want someone just to hold me so badly. I never had a deep or emotional relationship with my mother. Now that I am older I don't want to try to start that because I don't view her as a person I can talk to about this sort of thing. I hide my feelings from her and others. I feel the need for someone to love me, to hold me and care for me. I never had that as a child...


how old are you? anyway....true friends are very hard to find......and most of us...on this site...we are feeling just like you.....so if you need to talk with someone I am here.....we are all here for you.....coz we are here to help one each other....and in the end...who knows? maybe we beacome friends.....take care

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