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Long Term Sex Partners

Perfect Dark

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This is a question for people who have been with the same partner for 10 years +..


Does the sex stay as good? Or do you imagine being with some one else? What is it like knowing you'll have the same sex partner for the rest of your life (pending.)


My longest relationship was 3 years and I can honestly say I loved him and I never thought of anyone else. How do you keep things sex good?

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a good relationship can be measured as by considering that the person gets actually MORE attractive as time goes on, not less. Also other attributes besides actual attraction start to kick in over time. Resiliancy, steadiness, calmness of thought and deed, good ideas, good morals, civility and the ability to cheer you up - these things add to a person's attractiveness.


That is what I was thinking.


But what happens when you no longer find the other half attractive? Would you cheat? In general.

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Once the

job security issues,


home repairs,

pet euthanasia,

multiple kid problems (day-care, school, bad friends etc etc),

difficult, demanding in-laws,

aging parents,

personal and spouse health problems,

crazy neighbor problems,

brutal taxes,

maxed out credit

"must attend" xmas parties and bbq's with peeps you don't like,

what to do on vacation that doesnt cost $$$


and a multitude of other adult 21st century problems that constantly pop up then good sex? not boring? Just be happy you have time to have any sex, never mind good. non-boring sex.


After all that the sex better be good. It sounds like one of the few things left where you have a choice!

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Once the

job security issues,


home repairs,

pet euthanasia,

multiple kid problems (day-care, school, bad friends etc etc),

difficult, demanding in-laws,

aging parents,

personal and spouse health problems,

crazy neighbor problems,

brutal taxes,

maxed out credit

"must attend" xmas parties and bbq's with peeps you don't like,

what to do on vacation that doesnt cost $$$


and a multitude of other adult 21st century problems that constantly pop up then good sex? not boring? Just be happy you have time to have any sex, never mind good. non-boring sex.


The first thing on the list should have included 'having time together' but this is the real world.

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The first thing on the list should have included 'having time together' but this is the real world.


Yeah right...try having a baby and see how much "having time together" time you have. lol My partner and I had our baby in March and we have a 9 year old (his daughter from another relationship). It is very difficult to just have "our time". Now that our son is sleeping for 8 to 12 hours at a time, we can put him to bed around 7:00 and have the rest of the evening to ourselves...but we have to pretty much schedule it. lol Either the 9 year old is home, his sister or brother comes over...his younger sister is over. Something is usually going on. But on occasion he will surprise me and no one will come over, we dont answer the phone and just have "us time". We try for this at least once a week. Otherwise we start feeling pulled apart and not like a couple. We need the bond that being together gives us. It makes us stronger.

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In my case, we grew comfortable with each other. We were a team, and appreciated how much the other did to keep the bonds strong. So attractiveness wasn't an issue, she was always beautiful to me, even as we aged.

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In my case, we grew comfortable with each other. We were a team, and appreciated how much the other did to keep the bonds strong. So attractiveness wasn't an issue, she was always beautiful to me, even as we aged.


That's Amazing.


I bet you don't notice changes if you're with some one 24/7. This thread isn't about looks, just wondering what it's like being with some one for years.

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I agree with all the things shuttlefish listed. But in spite of these things, sex over the years gets better and better and better and.......fantastic! Ten years and counting and the sex just keeps getting better. No, I never think of anyone else. Why should I? He's an awesome lover!

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My boyfriend's parents are still very much in love and still very attracted to each other.


It does help that both of them have taken very good care of themselves. His dad is still a swimmer. He goes jogging often and eats healthily.

His mother cooks all their meals and, therefore, they eat very healthily. She dresses up everyday and does her hair everyday and puts on makeup EVERYDAY, even if she is just gardening that day.


When his dad gets home, the first thing he does is find his wife.


I am determined to be like that when I age.

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I've been with the same girl for 3.5 years, and I still love our sex. I still am not bored of it at all.


We change things up sometimes. To be honest... I even like it when she plays "hard to get" sometimes. She doesn't have sex whenever I want it. I think if it becomes routine, then you might get a bit bored. It reminds me of when I was first dating her (when she wouldn't have sex anytime I wanted). She is not doing it in a rude or "I dont want to have sex" kind of way. She will giggle and get me excited or something, and we will usually have sex that night. Just try new things, even if we had the same sex everyday we have a great chemistry and I have not been bored of it once.

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My longest relationship is my current. Going on 2 years now.


And I have to say, that the further we are in the relationship the BETTER the sex gets. We always are up for anything new, exciting new places, positions, etc.


I also find him more and more attractive everyday, I could NEVER imagine myself being attracted to anyone else or even thinking about cheating.

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  • 3 weeks later...

When his dad gets home, the first thing he does is find his wife.


I am determined to be like that when I age.


Awwww. I wanna be that way too now lol.

Now already I always keep up appearances: dress up, make up, etc. God know what it'll be like if I have kids and a hectic schdule, but am determined to keep myself looking good too.



Haven't been with anyone longer then now (2 yrs) but the sex is as good as always with him (since day 1 I felt truly comfertable being intimate with him), but the bond we have has grown stronger as well as how connected we feel b/c of it. I suppose with time it'll either stay the same or get better as our bond grows stronger and stronger. I do wonder if it'll ever get MUCH better then this though.

It's only been 2 yrs but I can't say the attraction has died down.

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