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I think I know, but, i just wanted some opinions.

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So here's my story..



Three weeks ago today my ex told me she needed some time to sort out her feelings. (Via Email, two days before my birthday).


We had been seeing each other since the beginning of Janurary. We had a lot of fun together, I would stay at her place quite a bit during the week.


The day before she told me this she had seen an ex boyfriend at a place where they used to go. Actually it's a skydiving place. I didn't really know her ex did that. Anyway, she thought she was over him, but after seeing him she said all of thee feelings came back.


So, in the next few days we talked once or twice on the phone. I even told her that I loved her on the phone and all I heard was uh, um, uh, um. That was the last time I talked to her on the phone. We had IM conversations most of the time because she wouldn't answer the phone when I called.


Well, I tried to start no contact during the second week for 3 days, each day she would try to contact me for whatever. I had no self control and answered her every time. Sometimes I would wait three or four hours before responding.


At the beginning of the second week I told her that I couldn't see us resuming a normal relationship after every thing that has happened. And I would need to let her go. She responded by saying I was making more out this than it really was. And what she meant by that was, the other day she FINALLY admitted that what she wrote in that original email was not what she was thinking That's this was only to be temporary, after she figured out how to get those feelings worked out. Because she didn't want to be with the other guy. And I believe her.


During the relationship, I didn't tell her how I really felt about her. i told her I cared,but, that wa it. I was waiting for the best time to do this and part of me thought it was to soon to tell her I loved her. Well, I told her in one of the emails. I felt I didn't have a choice because she wouldn't talk to me. Then she said that was real manly of you to tell me in a email that you loved me.



What I didn't mention was some of the hurtful things I did. When I told her on the second week that we were done, I sent her a link to a post she did asking advice about her ex and how she thought he was seeing another girl. I told her I didn't want to be like that in a few months if we tried to work this out. This post was back in sep. She accused me of spying on her.


Before the end of the first week, I didn't send her a long email telling her that I was sorry for all of the pain I caused her by the hurtful things I said.


Last week we had a huge bashing, once again via email because she won't talk on the phone, I called her immature. And I said she was immature for hiding behind her voice mail and IM and not talking about this in person or at least on the phone.


I sent her an email last week telling her that she was pathetic for just giving up on us. She once told me that she can't stand people who give up on things. Well, I threw that back at her.


I also sent her an email telling her that my kids still ask about her and I don't know what to tell them. I know now I just sent this one to be mean.


I think I said some other hurtful things, but I can't remember exactly what now. She told me to stop emailing her.


Yesterday I sent her an email just saying, Hey, I know I caused a lot of damage, I just wanted to say Happy Easter.


During our relationship I was NEVER hurtful towards her. I always respected her. I was just wondering if time heals most wounds, do you think time would heal some of these? Right now she's not speaking to me what so ever. I actually think she hates me now.

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