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6 weeks and counting..


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so for those of you who don't know my story, I broke up with my ex girlfriend of 2.5 years, my first love, because she enjoyed the attention of another guy as well. We have been on and off a few times before this, with me always running back. So throughout those times, it seems as though she became "power hungry" and decided to treat me like a doormat. This last time I broke up with her, I told her I didn't want to be in a relationship where I feel like I had to compete with another guy. I have gone cold turkey for the last 6 weeks. I feel like she is bitter and angry towards me, and I don't like the feeling of having someone I loved as an enemy.


Ever since then, she has made repeated attempts to make me jealous and has tried to piss me off by doing certain things. I have ignored ALL of this and have tried to continue on with my life. I blocked her on facebook, but her friend put up pictures of my ex and that guy having a good time. I know its to get me jealous because all of her other friends blocked me and the one that put up the pictures obviously didnt block me


My question is:


1) Why is she trying to hurt me and make me jealous? I couldn't imagine doing that to someone I cared about. Is it because of "power" she gained over me by having me always run back?


2) What happends when they notice that I could care less at their attempts to make me jealous and hurt me? Do they move on, or do they start direct contact?


3) Most importantly, how do I forget about her. I don't want to be with her logically, by my heart is all mixed up because she wasn't like this before. I want to stop thinking about her, and stop thinking about how she must be feeling by me ignoring her, if that makes sense.


4) Is it possible to be friends? or not

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I think in her eyes you were the sure thing, in a twisted way that gave her comfort, not necessarily love. Also in a twisted way she feels rejected now you don't respond. It is very much a power trip, an ego boost for her. You are doing the right thing by not reacting to all that cos you did reconcile with her before and nothing really came out of it. Do NOT even feel slightly tempted! I know it's tough though...

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Hey my ex, would do stuff like stare at other men. And even when I told her that it made me uncomfortable, she still did it. I would try to break up with her several times. However I would come back to her. Finally she broke up with me and I have done NC for about 7 weeks tomorrow. She hasn't tried to contact me at all. And I am ok right now. I still feel as if my heart hurts, but I want to stop talking about her and get her out of my mind and work on myself.

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