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"Love when you least expect it"


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To me, the phrase, "You'll find love when you least expect it" simply means that if you put less focus on seeking out love and put more focus on yourself and simply living your life, then one day you'll meet a special person and it will feel out of the blue and, well--unexpected--because you weren't making "finding love" the priority in your life.

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For me it was the feeling of 'all's right with my world, have a good job, nice place, I am healthy, have great friends, my family is healthy and we are close..." you know, the nothing left to ask for feeling, even tho one is single at the time (i think for some, tho getting to the I'm -OK-without -a-SO takes a while)then, just when you didnt think you needed it, a love comes along.

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For me it was the feeling of 'all's right with my world, have a good job, nice place, I am healthy, have great friends, my family is healthy and we are close..." you know, the nothing left to ask for feeling, even tho one is single at the time (i think for some, tho getting to the I'm -OK-without -a-SO takes a while)then, just when you didnt think you needed it, a love comes along.


Well at this moment, I love my life, myself, my friends everything, but I till would love to have someone special at the same time

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then you really havent reached the point of being OK with not having someone. I was single and celibate for 2 years, and it got me to the point, finally when I felt that if I stayed single, that was OK, too.

I was the 7th wheel when my group of friend-couples went out, and it didnt seem so strange anymore. Thats the place you need to be at for it to be 'least expected"

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I agree with the others. You get to a point where you are happy and fulfilled in life, without dating or an so and when you DO meet that someone special, your contentment and happiness is multiplied... as long as it is a positive relationship. I knew the second I saw my boyfriend. I always say that it was like lightning struck, and that's the only way I can think of to describe it. I didn't know that we would get to where we are now...building our lives together, and at the point where we finish each other's sentences... but I did know that he was going to be very special to me, and a special part of my life. I did not want a boyfriend when I met him, but I knew I couldn't let him get away. Just the thought of another girl being with him made me feel sick.

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"Love when you least expect it"


It's pretty much a saying that's largely based on myth. Typically, if someone wants to find love/relationship, there's usually got to be some effort applied... placing yourself in situations or places where singles might be mingling, approaching someone, taking the initiative to strike up a conversation, etc.


While there are exceptions to the rule, it's rare when two people turn a corner on a busy street, bump into each other, drop things, bend over to pick them up, eyes meet, etc. (cue typical romantic-comedy Hollywood music).


I DO agree that single people should take the half-glass full approach and do things that make you happy while single, and not dwell too much over finding someone. But the whole "you'll find someone when you least expect it" is basically just a catchy, feel-good phrase.

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Just think about gender roles when it comes to starting a relationship. The woman does not have to approach. She can get away with being happy with herself and not looking for a boyfriend. There's a good chance she'll find one anyway, because she's not expected to do much in the first place. The man is the one that has to get things started. If he's happy with himself and not looking for a girlfriend, he will not find one.


Basically, the man has to be on the prowl for anything to happen for him - which is why I think this only happens to women. The ONLY exception to this is if the woman approaches the man, but that has never happened to me, nor has it happened to anybody I know. I lived my life up until a few years ago with the mindset of, "Meh, I'm happy being single right now, a girl will come along eventually", then I realized that was a load of BS. Even though I'm still cool with being single, I now know that if I don't do something, nothing will happen.

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So I should just let it go with the flow? haha


Gosh, I hate this phriase, too. You set the control of the pace. When you drive, you accelerate as much as you want - you have control of the flow of your car.


You have control of your life. Do things which set the pace you want. There's no mystical 'flow' setting the speed of your life.

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Even though I did provide my own little definition, I don't tend to think it's (the saying) is true...the night I met my amazing boyfriend, I was drunkenly crying to a friend about how lonely I was and I wanted nothing more than to meet a nice guy...and then low and behold, within a few hours I met my boyfriend. Love's funny that way, it just kinda creeps in and out as it pleases, doesn't really care what you're up to!

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Only happens to women, IMO.


I disagree.


Going out every weekend to clubs and pubs looking to meet women is 'looking'


Going to a friends party and starting a conversation with a girl then having a 5 year relationship isn't. I didn't go to the party to chat up women, but to have some fun and get drunk with friends (it was a small party). Little did I know that she would be there (she'd broken up with her bf the day before and was a friend of my mates gf.).


It happens when it happens.

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I disagree.


Going out every weekend to clubs and pubs looking to meet women is 'looking'


Going to a friends party and starting a conversation with a girl then having a 5 year relationship isn't. I didn't go to the party to chat up women, but to have some fun and get drunk with friends (it was a small party). Little did I know that she would be there (she'd broken up with her bf the day before and was a friend of my mates gf.).


It happens when it happens.


i can't go out to clubs and pubs with friends with the intention of getting drunk and meet a girl? it's the same to me. we like being around people.

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I don't know if the whole saying is true for everyone..but..


last year when I was obsessing over the fact that I didn't have a boyfriend, over analyzing every single thing a guy I liked would say to me and trying to hard to find someone to love..I had no one..


literally, in the first few days I was like "eff it" and didn't care if I found anyone or not..'going with the flow' like you said..my current boyfriend of almost 11 months fell right in front of my face.


I really believe that love will find you when you least expect it.


By the words of The Used [meh, lame now] 'You're never gonna find it if you're looking for it' ;;


and I really believe that.

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literally, in the first few days I was like "eff it" and didn't care if I found anyone or not..'going with the flow' like you said..my current boyfriend of almost 11 months fell right in front of my face.


I really believe that love will find you when you least expect it.


How did you meet?

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