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When you read something that hurts you, but you can't do anything about it...


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I thought about making this thread last night, but i know that it might not make much sense to others. I know that this doesn't sound normal at all, but i had a very negative reaction to a few posts that i read on here (two days ago). I normally try my best to brush things off, but this time it was very difficult for me. The Ena rules were respected, so it's not something that i could make a complaint about or anything. I just felt very personally hurt by those comments.

It triggered something inside of me, and i ended up crying and throwing up..

i know those don't sound like normal reactions, but it often happens when something really upsets me.

I know that there is a lot of good here, but those few comments really made me feel like leaving. I don't know many people on here, but i feel a bit attached to this place, and i tend to feel really let down when i read certain comments. I was very thrown off...

I struggle with self confidence, and those comments went straight to my heart. I have fallen asleep for the past two nights feeling completely worthless, inside and out.

I don't really know what to do People will say what they wish, i know that.


Two weeks ago i had a strong urge to leave, but i didn't follow through.

Now, a part of me thinks that i should have. I know that i can't let everything get to me like this, but those few comments really made me feel sick. I just don't know what to do, and i fear that i am going backwards instead of forward.

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I wish I could help you more, but I hope it's okay to say that you can take breaks! Feel free to start doing other things, take your mind off this place, and come back when you are ready.


Vomiting is not a healthy reaction to being upset, so try to stay away from the sources. Take care of yourself!

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G.... i am so sorry that you have been hurt... its hard because we all come here hurting from something and here is supposed to be a safe place... there are folks on here that tend to be mean spirited and dont think before they feel the need to voice an opinion.


you have to keep in mind though that nothing anyone on ENA writes makes you who YOU are. your still a beautiful girl with a big heart and nothing will change that... please dont leave ena. there are so many of us on here that have formed wonderful friendships... come to OT more... that is where our little family is.... we try to support each other and encourage each other... i do know what you mean. i tend to be discouraged from giving my opinion to a thread because it seems like alot of posters take what i say personally when i give an opinion and want to debate and be nasty about it.... its simply ridiculous...... try not to be sad... there are alot of us that do want to help you... not hinder you... you know you can PM me anytime you want to talk.. or you just need some postitive words...



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Were these comments in response to something that you posted or were these just threads that you read that hurt your feelings?


I'm sorry you feel bad.


the comments were made on someone else's thread (but not directed towards the original poster)

A few ppl were making fun of something..not in a playful/joking way, and it really got to me : (.


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the comments were made on someone else's thread (but not directed towards the original poster)

A few ppl were making fun of something..not in a playful/joking way, and it really got to me : (.



I agree with Indie.......Hang out more in the OT section and just have fun. She is right, we have a tight little close knit family going on in there.


Sometimes it's good to stay away from the other threads just to unwind and re-charge.

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