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Comments from Women and Men


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Do you guys feel this is a problem. Am I better off. Dating this girl and she us to do the following to me.


1. Stare and gaze at other men even after I told her it made me insecure.

2. Acted to sensitive to any comment

3. Would snap at me every once in awhile

4. Confined in other men stating that she could go to me on something

5. Had an Eharmoney account eight months after dating

6. Had to walk on Eggshells with her

7. Would blow me off when I called her

8. Made me think it was all because of me

9. most of the time was in a bad mood and I didnt know how to make her feel better. And would usually end in a fight.

10. I think she was insecure herself.


Things I would do,

1. Get Jeoulous from the staring at men.

2. Would break up with her because we would get into a little argument and I would think of her staring at men in front of me.

3. Sometimes I was too needy, because I wanted to get married and thought at first she was the one.

4. Said some things I should have because I didnt understand why she acted a certain way.

5. Acted insecure.



I might have had more but I cannot think of them.


The big thing is the staring at men. Or was it just me being crazy. I thought she was the one when we first started to date. She was telling me she loved me and wanted to marry me. I wanted to take it slow but I feel into it as well. In the end she became distant and told me she was fighting for me. Then she breaks up with me and tells me to come to her when I am better.


am I crazy, I am I wrong for doing NC?

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Sounds chaotic.

Taking space from a roller-coaster like the relationship you have described is a good thing.

It takes two to tango, and it just doesn't sound like you two were dancing to the same tune.

She simply may not have been a good match for you, or perhaps the timing was off, or perhaps both of these things were the case.


Give yourself more time to think over the ways in which you pushed each other's buttons, or may have contributed to the communication breakdown.

If you can come up with ways in which you can improve yourself, then you'll have gained something from the experience.

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