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For some of you who do not know my story, my GF left me about 4 weeks ago because I was getting to jealous of her friends(which are boys but just her friends). And i started to act weird for the first couple weeks. I was stupid and showed up at her house and saying some stupid things and she told me she wants to be friends again. For the third week I kept contact with her which was dumb of me. Then she started to like one of her friends, who i was mostly jealous of. Now they are talking and everything not really dating but hanging out alot and talking. I dont go up and talk to her anymore, i usually want for her to contact me. She does sometimes but we dont talk that much. She'll IM me or whatever and i dont want to be rude and not talk to her so I talk and try to keep it upbeat and funny. I try sometimes it doesnt work. This week we started to talk to each other a lot. Were going to hang out together this sunday so hopefully it will be fun and I can spark interest in me from her.


Anyway, today I couldnt hold back. I started to talk about our relationship and how I would like her back. I didnt say anything stupid I kept my cool and said some good things but she told me that she liked how things were now. Is that a bad sign for us getting back? I also asked her if we would get back and she told me that it doesnt look good right now. Especially since she is talking to this other guy. And they are around each other a lot. I talked to her about how much I love her and how i have changed. She has seen that I have changed as well though.


I just want to know if you guys think i'll have a chance of getting her back and soon because it really hurts being away from her now. Also does anybody have any ideas of what we could do this sunday? I want her to have fun with me and I really dont want to talk about our relationship at all that day. I would appreciate if anybody could help out. Thanks

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I hate to rain on your parade, but I think she spelled it out pretty clearly for you-she's happy being friends, but that's all. If she's telling you about this other guy, that could be her way of warning you off of trying to ask her out again. Plus, she's most likely keeping her emotional distance from you because things DIDN'T work out, and since I doubt either of you has changed much, that wouldn't solve the problems you had.


I would leave it where it is now, I'm sorry to say. She's been honest with you in that she doesn't see you two getting back together right now-how about giving her some time to miss you? You said you don't like talking to her on the phone-then don't. Let her know that you're giving her that space, and that you need some as well. You can't miss what you don't have, and right now she hasn't had a chance to miss you, from the sound of it!



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