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I have been talking to my ex probably daily since we broke up. I usually dont call her or contact her in anyway. She'll come up to me in school or IM me. it has been about a month since she broke it off from me because i was getting too jealous or whatever. After that my life went down hill, i told her i was going to kill myself(not a good idea) and now she has a new boyfriend and has told me she has moved on but when she IM me, i asked her if she still thought about me and she told me that she still does and wont stop. Also i asked if she missed me and she said she does miss me but she has moved on. that doesnt look too good at all. We are hanging out together sometime this week and hopefully i can make it fun and everything so she can see i have changed which i have because of all the time i got to think. but do you think i have a change of getting her back even with her new boyfriend and if so what do you think i should do?

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I know things are tough, but intill you move on without her things aren't going to get better. This girl isn't your life. there will be someone else down the road. You may have a chance of getting her back, but that isn't what I'm woried about. You seem to be realating being with this girl t being happy, and that shouldn't be the case. I know that when you loose someone it's tuff, but that only lasts for a time. This relationship won't work until you realise that you can be happy without her.


If you aren't to the point where you can move on without her I don't thingk things have gotten better.

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I think that she may still be interested in you, but you might have come on to strongly for her ( I'm going through the same thing right now ). I think that if you really want her, you've gotta relize that you dont NEED her. Show her when you meet her that you've moved on, but are still interested in her. Hope that wasn't confusing. I mean like just let her know you still want her, but if she declines you wont be destroyed.

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