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TwO Sides to every Guy

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Ok. Well My Boyfriend and I have been together for about a week. I like him alot. We dont really talk on the phone yet, we talk on the computer which is fine with me because im a very shy person on the phone. Well there wasnt a problem with our relationship at all.. He was a sweetheart and seemed like he would give me the world. Today.... Today is a different story. He like was so cocky today. Not really to me. I asked my friend to ask him something for me. And he says cocky what now? Ok its not my fault hes havin a bad day or whatever so he shouldnt take it out on me!! Also today I found out he's in Anger Management and was now for awhile. I mean dont even tell your girl why dont Ya!!! Also he is a different guy on the computer such a sweetie then in person he's different there is 2 sides to this guy. I thought I did something to trigger it but he's like that to everyone I found out. I like him alot and I can see us bein a couple for awhile. What is his problem. I mean im very nice to him. Im so sadd!! Plz help me.

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because you had mostly talked to this guy on the computer, probably didn't give you a good idea about what he's really like. people can become and act like whatever they want when they chat on the computers. it can be a totally different story in real life. next time i suggest to get to know this person face to face beforehand. good luck tho

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maybe he's shy too.. you guys have only been together for a week, you are still learning so much about each other's personality & what they do & stuff. me & my bf have been together for over a year now & i still learn new stuff everyday. he was probably going to tell you, but maybe he didn't feel like online was a good time, or maybe he was worried about how you would react. i have learned that guys hate for girls to try to force things out of them, so don't get upset if he doesn't tell you something right away.. he will tell you things about himself when hes ready. also, as it was said before, people can be totally different on the computer. get to know him more in person.. that way you will get to know who he really is.

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Yes, I agree... Online personalities differ greatly... There is no emotion in text, just words... Even now.


About the Anger Management, this concerns me. The reason he probably didn't tell you was either A.) He's embarrassed about it.. or B.) He doesn't want to share that with you yet. Dating someone a week is hardly what I would call (yet) a committed relationship... You're barely memorizing eachother's phone numbers let alone find out what their personality is in full.


My advice: Give your new beau some time to readjust to being someone's significant other. A simple little comment to him may come off like a "nag" to him.. Just sit back and think-- Why does ANYONE go to an Anger Management class? Seriously... think about it... right now... Ask yourself that------


Because they have anger issues... Classes like that are meant to control/remedy violent behavior in people. Just be careful.. Give him LOTS of understanding... and the most important thing you want to develop in him is a FRIEND FIRST... The best couples are friends first... Just be an ear to him, be patient and listen a lot... This will make him feel like your his confidant, and that will build a wall of trust between you...


I wish you the best of luck!

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