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Break up after 6 months...fatalist ending.

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We started talking in the beginning of September and dated till December. In December, we decided to make it official. Fast forward today... we have both admitted we never fight or argue and have loads of fun. Problem though. We both knew entering our relationship that I am graduating from our university in May and she would be returning home (5 hours away) and returning for her senior year at college. I am also heading off to the Peace Corp for two years. Yet when we entered our relationship, we decided to have fun and not worry about the future. Unf., the future has caught up. She recently broke up with me out of the clear blue. No signs or signals. She said that the sparks have died down and she thinks it's most likely because of the fact I will be leaving the country very soon and her heart could not open up as it could. How about that as a bruise for me heart? I knew it was coming, it was the ineviatble breakup. Even though I knew we would have to break up, it still hurts like hell. Funny thing is, we both entered the relationship knowing it would not last, yet as fools, we rushed in. Now, I am dealing with the first week of being broken up. I know not to make contact with her. Hard to do when I work with her! I know that life goes on and others will come around. I have never had a problem with meeting new girls. What sucks hard is the initial getting over someone phase. You know, the 'I wish I could fast-forward 2 months' so I can be over the harshest of grief. Ironic how some relationships work. Sometimes we know in our hearts it's not going to last, yet we go ahead anyway. I wonder if it's just being human? Well, here I go again (third time), time to get over someone and bounce back. Seriously, does someone have a time machine I could borrow? : )

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Just wanted to say you have a great outlook, but am sorry your hurting. Seems that when we make a commitment as you did (and not sure of the outcome) we are really hoping when the time arrives, something will work out or the both of you w/care enough to find a way to make it work. ...and doesn't it always come around faster than we want?


Sounds like you have a good handle on it.....and can probably offer some great advice to others on here. Although, it's probably a very good thing we don't have a time machine....we'd all be either traveling back to change something or to the future to prevent something??


Good luck in your travels with the Peace Corps



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