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I Dont Know Any More


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Ok, I use to have this thing with this girl. we really really liked eachother but she said things couldnt work between us because she thinks she loves her ex. she knows i am the better choice but her heart was still with him. they have been off and on for about 2 year and with every time ending in faliure. he doesnt treat her the way she deserves. So she decided to put an end to everything we had. i had a tough time getting over it but i just started to get over it. then last night we were texting and she was drunk and she said she thinks it was a bad decision to say no to me. and i told her it wasnt too late then she said we'll see. so i am completely not over her again. and now it seems like shes back to the decision she originaly made. i know i probably should just not get into it with her and only be friends sense it probably wont happen anyways. but when ever i start making progress she will say something or do something that tells me that it doesnt have to be over and i throw away all the progress i made. i will be really down and just sitting at home alone. then in a couple days ill start goin out more and hittin parties. then she will do that and i will try and make plans with her. then she will blow me off last second because she doesnt think its a good idea. then i talk to her about it and she pretty much rebreaks things off and i will feel like sh*t again and will pretty much restart the cycle. i know i shouldnt but i cant. i like her so much i will jump at any oppurtunity. i dont know what to do anymore... and advice?


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and now her ex was just an idiot and told some of his friends that he was just leading her on for a fu*k and chuck cuz he wasnt getting any and one of his friends told her and she is pissed at him and doesnt like him anymore. but she is super hurt right now so she isnt into any guys at the moment. think i should give it a lil time and just be her friend for now then try and start things back up? or should i start pushing for it now? or just stay friends?


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