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Ideas for Sexy/Romantic Night/Weekend - Men's advice needed!


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I'm seeing my boyfriend next week, we are in a LDR and we will be staying in a hotel for 3 days next weekeend. I will be arriving at the hotel first so I have 2 hours before he arrives. We will have two nights together to stay in the hotel, the Saturday night we are meeting friends and going out so we won't be able to do anything on that night.


I want to surprise him with something sexy for when he arrives on the Friday night. I was going to wear some sexy lingerie (not dress up because I don't think we're that far enough in our relationship for it just yet, just start off with ,lingere...)


Is there any sort of preference of lingerie colours/style a guy likes? I was thinking a nice silk black or red chemise with some stockings and suspenders (although I'm not sure if I'm fully pushed on the whole stockings/suspenders thing because I don't look anything like the models saying that I've got a big frame so I'm afraid it's gonna look trashy) That's why I need your advice people!


Also any tips for how to welcome him into the room? I plan to have candles and some petals and some strawberries ready. I'm not sure about cream because there's no fridge in the room and warm cream is horrible! Has anyone got any other alternatives? I don't like buying that foodstuffs out of lingerie shops, they taste horrible! Would prefer real fresh food!


Mucho gracias!

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Sounds like you've got a pretty decent plan as is...


Some massage oil wouldn't go amiss. What are his sexual tendencies? I mean in terms of silk ribbons (for tying), that kind of thing. Black chemise with veil-thin blouse and stockings without suspenders may be more your style. Actually, for the chemise, that will depend on your coloring. Brunettes wear red quite well, but I'm not a fan of that shade for blonds or red-heads. Knowing his personality in the sack would help me give you advice, I must admit.


And music, of course. Again, you're in the position to come up with ideas on that front. It's a shame that you don't have a fridge... Ooh! Buy a cooler! That way you can use the whip cream AND ice. Plus, if you hide it somewhere, you can produce the necessary items all in a flash, surprising and gratifying him simultaneously.

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I am a brunette so the colouring would be ok but I was thinking of applying some tan, to make the colour look more sexy against my skin and also to make my legs look gorgeous. It's not the orangey look, it's quite nice and he likes me when I have tan on.


Hmm.. his sexual tendancies? He likes to be in control while we're having sex, usually on top, but he likes when I go on top but I don't do it often cos I don't find it sexy as I'm quite self conscious. He does loves to be teased, well I think! He likes me giving head and going back up to him for passionate kisses. When we have sex he sometimes stop for a minute because he doesn't want to cum too quick, so I want to prolong this whole evening as long as I can but I don't want to wear him out that he's not able to get hard again and go a second time.


He's bringing a CD player because I have to fly over and unfortunately don't have room in my luggage for that and on that note I won't be able to bring a cooler. Do you think the hotel would let me have a bucket of ice? That way I could have the cream kept in ice to keep it cold and also use the ice cubes?




Basically would want to know what do men like to see their girlfriend do when they are organising a night like this? Any special moves? etc...

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my ex and i did this for valentines day actually. She arrived first, and then i came later. she had layed rose petals in the hot-tub and on the bed. IMO, there is no need to over think it. Just go with some simple lingerie, as you said you are not far in, and im sure he'll like everything no matter what


as for welcoming him into the room..if you can, have the lights dimmed and hide in the bathroom as he walks in. he'll kind of look for you possibly and while he isn't looking, come out and greet him in your lingerie! that something i'd like anyway.

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Most hotels have an ice machine, so yes, you should be able to keep things cool. Not sure if either of you are into the bubbly, but a nice bottle of champaigne is nice as well. Especially if you're going to have strawberries handy.


Sounds like you have it under control and will have a great weekend!

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It may be too late to reply in case you're away this weekend! but if so, I hope it was fabulous! If next weekend - the hotel will definitely be able - if given advance warning - to be able to supply (in advance, you don't want room service arriving at an awkward moment) strawberries, cream, champagne and ice. But ... you can also get fold-up cooler bags (the kind you use to get cold groceres home ... that would pack in luggage and with 2 hours, you could also go shopping en route to hotel & get all this stuff yourself... depends on budget and type of hotel. Alternatively you could use the bathtub as an ice-repository and keep loads of cool stuff in there - nice surprise for him when he goes to the toilet!

Remember he may be tired when he gets in - may need time to relax first, before 'performing' ... greeting him in lingerie as he walks in the door with travel dust on him may put him on the spot ... if you could cover up with a robe to start with, that would be less pressure on him right up

rose petals on bed - but more of a girl thing

candles - nice - but ditto

shading for lights - to make lights dimmer, more romantic atmosphere?


food for after sex- bread and cheese? Something substantial for energy (not alot of energy in strawberries) in case he wants to go again?


Nice romantic movie on dvd, or to play in a laptop? Music?

Game of strip poker?


As for dress, agree. I'm a bigger girl (size 14 top, breasts size G, bottom size 18) and stockings don't suit me at all. I also feel * * * * tish. But guys who like our shape, like our shape in that kind of gear, so just try to forget about 'how do I look?'. Guys like * * * * look.


But plain simple chemise is good ... and naked is even better. Guys love naked. They don't need all the dressing we think they need. Ask them what they want and most of the time - naked is just wonderful. Remember, he loves you, he loves your body - no need to be self conscious. Some bodies are born for clothes, others look better without. (Most clothes are unfortunately made for non-curvy women so I think we look much better au naturelle!!) Lots of guys - yours included or he wouldn't be with you - hate the 'model-look' - they are too skinny they say. They love curves. So embrace your curviness - its SEXY! But make sure you like what you wear - confidence is important.

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Thanks for the replies guys.


@KJ and ILWMM - There is no hot tub! I wish! Just a shower! We've said we're gonna splash out on a big fancy hotel room the next time so will try and get a room with a hot tub, that would be brilliant!


@Melissa, thanks for the words of confidence. I will be getting the food/drink on the way to the hotel. Definitely going to go with the bucket of ice option. I'm going to buy some cheap stockings and test it first with the outfit and the hair/make up and see if it looks nice. As for the robe, was definitely thinking about that. I was planning to pounce on him the moment he gets in but I've a feeling he'll want to have a breather first and get stuff sorted. He's bringing the music so we need to have a few mins before we get stuck in.


Have a couple more questions for the menm (and women if you've done this before)


- do you like being blindfolded and teased? (or tied up?)

- what kind of entrance would you like?

- how long do you think I should tease/foreplay before having sex? (we usually have lots of foreplay, maybe up to an hour)

- what sort of foods could you eat off each other...

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I don't like being blindfolded and teased (maybe an occasional ostrich feather). I do like to do it to my GF. Your BF may too, especially if he likes being in charge, as you mentioned.


For the entrance, open the door wearing lingerie, a smile and a bottle of champagne. Nice surprise. What every man wants to come home to...


I wouldn't worry about foreplay length. It will just happen.


Foods to eat off each other...strawberries and whipped cream. Chocolate sauce. Honey.


Sounds like you're on the right track...I'd be very happy with what you're talking about. Just don't over think or over direct the situation. If he's usually in charge in bed, he will probably enjoy the attentiveness, but may feel uncomfortable giving away all control. Have fun!

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I don't like being blindfolded and teased


Yeah. I'm not really into that, either. I'm a very visual and haptic (i.e., touchy-feely) person, and I think most guys are, so being blindfolded and tied up obviously takes away from that. On the other hand, if I know my partner is getting turned on by it, I'll be the first to suggest it and be on board 100%. I don't know anyone that's turned-off by it though, so you might as well at least try.


One other thing I'd like to suggest, which is kind of embarrassing actually because it's so completely man-typical. lol. I don't know how far your bf is traveling, but if it's a long distance, there's a possibility he could be really tired when he gets to the hotel. If this is the case, then he might really appreciate a little time to unwind and maybe even an hour or two of shuteye. I know it sounds ridiculous to you, and you're probably thinking if a guy is hot for a woman, he'll want to jump her bones asap, but sometimes.... lol. Sometimes the body doesn't want to cooperate.

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Hmmmm... thanks for that. But it should be fine, he has 3 hours after work to chill out at home and get his dinner before he gets his train which takes an hour and half so he won't be doing all concentrating. I've told him to get plenty of rest on the train and to pack tonight instead of rushing it to the last minute. I will be flying over so I will have the longer journey to complete. I'm planning to give him a massage first to wind him down and to take all the stress off work so after an hour of relaxing with a few beers he should be raring to go!


Have everything ready, robe, chemise, feather fan to tickle him with (plus it looks sexy!), have stockings but will decide tomo if ill need them or not... will get the food tomorrow before I land at the hotel! I can't wait!


Cheers people for your input! Ideas still welcome as I'm leaving in 15 hours!

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Is he the type of guy that likes lingerie? My ex did that for me and I didn't like it. I think you should cover yourself with whip cream and let the good times roll.


Best advice ever.....

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Is he the type of guy that likes lingerie? My ex did that for me and I didn't like it. I think you should cover yourself with whip cream and let the good times roll.


Well he has said to me that he would like me to in his words 'kinky dress up' for him. I'm not ready to go there just yet, as I've never surprised anyone in lingere let alone in a roleplay outfit or something.

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Well I surprised him on Friday night. Was a bit hectic getting ready cos I only had 40 mins before he was due to arrive cos of complications with travel/hotel room etc... In the end I just wore a black chemise with a satin black robe that showed off my legs yet hid the chemise (no time to put on stockings!) hair down, eyes smoky and red lipstick along with tealight candles and heart glittery stars placed on the bed and around the room. Hid in the bathroom as I wasn't finished getting ready when he knocked on the door, went out, and sneaked up behind him while he was having a cigarette.


Kissed him on his neck and he turned around, looked me up and down and told me how gorgeous I looked and gave me a huge passionate kiss and grabbed a hold of my ass, stopped and said, "Are you wearing sexy knickers?" I said yessss.... and then he threw me on the bed and we kissed for a few mins before I pushed him off and told him "not yet!!" We then chatted and drank for a few hours with a few hot moments in between! When we finally had sex, it was soo intense and hot! I was in total control! I used the cream on him and we both used the strawberries on each other! Loved it! He couldn't resist taking his hands off me all night!!!


Definitely doing it again!

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Is he the type of guy that likes lingerie? My ex did that for me and I didn't like it. I think you should cover yourself with whip cream and let the good times roll.


Oh I wish I had that or chocolate sauce for tomorrow....

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