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I have no idea why he is doing this.....

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I've been casually talking to a guy for the past nine months. Nothing serious really, but we've been intimate and things were going well really. His birthday was last week. At midnight I sent him a text that said "Happy Birthday, ****! I adore you and I hope that today starts the best year of you life so far. XOXO". He replied with "Thank you. I hope so too!".Later in the day on his birthday, I texted him and said that I'd like to take him to dinner one night for his birthday...pick a day and he didn't reply. OK. I didn't really think anything of that. No biggie, right?

The next morning at around 6am, he updates his twitter account which he knows I follow and it says "Plowed a hottie three times for my birthday. That's not going to sit well with 3 of you. F*ck...Get over it!"

I had just updated my twitter seconds before so he was well aware that I was on and saw that. I didn't say anything about it. That was Friday. Last night, a few seconds after I updated my twitter, he again posted something completely random saying he had rekindled with an old flame and he was falling in lust. I just don't know where to put all of this. I haven't contacted him and surely have no intention of doing so, but why would he suddenly be trying to hurt me like that? I just don't get it. I have never done anything to hurt him nor have I ever been disrespectful to him. IIf he didn't want anything to do with me anymore, he should have been a man and told me that and I'm trying to just move on from it. I don't want the drama so why would he keep saying idiotic things like that? I'm really confused and although I'm trying not to think about it, I'm hurt by it and I feel like a fool.

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I'm sure you were hurt by that, but you really can't call him a player, since you agreed to settle for being intimate with him, without being exclusive or committed.


I actually didn't call him a player..nor did I expect a commitment from him and at no point did I think he was only seeing me. But I don't think you should be disrespectful to me or to the other girls on a public forum such as twitter. We have many mutual friends as we have known each other for seventeen years and I think that displaying things of that nature on twitter...a shared blog between friends was just nasty and insulting...not just to me, but to the other two girls he was dating (or whatever) and to the hottie that he "plowed". There was no reason that he should have so abruptly become so man and nasty. Like I said, I did nothing to you...so why the public attempt to embarrass me?

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"He will text you when he's bored"


I agree. And, when he does get bored and contact you, chuckle and say "no thanks." Do NOT have a conversation and do NOT be emotional.


Good luck hun, you deserve so much better.

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LOL! Did I mention it was his 32nd birthday? At what point do we stop acting like frat boys? But I guess some people never stop.

I personally wish I knew what lucky gal he "plowed" because her and I could be great friends or maybe I could befreind the two other girls that wouldn't like the "plowing".

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... I'm not familiar with Twitter, did he actually use your name when he posted that? If not, how did he disrespect you?

Twitter is like one giant chat room with everyone on mute by default..


that's really the best description for it.


LOL! Did I mention it was his 32nd birthday? At what point do we stop acting like frat boys? But I guess some people never stop.

I personally wish I knew what lucky gal he "plowed" because her and I could be great friends or maybe I could befreind the two other girls that wouldn't like the "plowing".


I'm younger than he is and I'd like to think that even during my college days I wouldn't make a comment like that to anyone... not even privately nevermind broadcast to all my friends and family.


I'd just forget about him, unsubscribe from his tweets and if he ever tries to contact you again just say "I'm over it... have a nice life"

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