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Would you go this far....

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Ok I can understand the love of one's parents. Afterall they are the only unconditional people. No way they can betrayed like an SO can.


But would you go that far into naming your child your mother's and/or father's name?

My father named me after his mother (interesting at the same time I resembled her as already I had friends confusing me for her when she was young on a portrait). For name he likes the idea of carrying the parents's name. With my brother his middle name is his father's (deseased grandpa) name.


Now I like my name as it's not a typically common name and can be say both in English or Spanish but for me if I had a child I would choose a different name or a funky and funny one. I'm into being creative, not into passing it from generation to generation thing.

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I wouldn't do it b/c I like to be original with my names (but not so original that I do stupid trendy or oddly spelled names).


My sister is expecting her first baby at thanksgiving. Her husband is a 3rd. His family wants a 4th if it's a boy. She's not budging b/c she doesn't like her husband's first name and she doesn't want the kid to be a 4th. They are choosing a name though with the first 2 letters of the father's first name (which are the same 2 letters of the last name too) I think to keep the alliteration.

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I would do it, but I also like my mother's name, I find it to be classic, simple, and pretty. Not everyone agrees, though. Her name's susan, and I'd like to name my daughter (if I had one) susanna. The father of the child might hate the name, but it'll be in there, I'm sure--whether it's the middle name or the first.


I would also do it because my mom is the most important person in my life. She is an incredible person and certainly worthy of being my child's namesake.

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No, I did not do that, nor did I want to. Every person deserves their own identity. My son carries an old family name as his middle name(dad's side traces back to the Mayflower, and every first born male in this family has this middle name) but his first name is his own.

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