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Embarassing!!!!! Follow up question


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I am flipping out, getting very worried....distressed, and anxious.


THis is embarassing but a few months ago i put Sensodyne toothpaste(used to help sensitive teeth) on the head of my penis, it was on there for about 5 minutes (on two occaisons Supposibly it would help in the bedroom.

Anyway I have notived the head isnt very sensitive and just put the two things together, I'd forgotten about this.

OMG!! I need a time machine, or some really good new from a doctor

Can this permantly damage or dimish feeling......Is the toothepaste capable of doing this. If so do things come back...

I am so worried, if it numbed it , wouldnt that go away after awhile?

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Sensodyne toothpaste offers full fluoride protection (with the exception of Sensodyne Original) to fight cavities and plaque and strengthen tooth enamel.


^i got this from the sensodyne website. This is the only thing the toothpaste does. it doesn't actually have anaesthetic properties (meaning it doesn't numb nervous tissue), if that's what you are worried about. i seriously doubt that you may have caused any long term damage to your penis. But to be on the safe side, go see a doctor if the problem persists.


EDIT: look at this link removed

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There are many things in toothpaste but nothing that would do any lasting harm unless you got in your eyes.


There are many products on the market for what you want. Google them and you can find what you are looking for to apply to your junk. At least you won't get any cavities on that thing! LOL



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You know there are products out there that are designed to do what you were trying to accomplish, they are over the counter and are in the condoms section of any drugstore...


I can't imagine the toothpaste will be a problem but in the future...respect your penis and only apply things on it that are made for it

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Toothpaste is some nasty stuff, for sure. Good for the teeth, but NOT much else.


I agree with everyone else that the toothpaste is probably NOT the cause of your symptoms, BUT...toothpaste applied to the wrong places can be uncomfortable.


When I was very little, I had this very bad rash on my behind. My mom used to put Desitin Ointment on it. Well, the ointment came in a VERY similar tube to the toothpaste my family used at the time -- a white tube with dark blue/black lettering. Soooo...my mom accidentally grabbed the toothpaste instead of the ointment, and when she put it on my butt she knew immediately that she had made a mistake because I screamed. Apparently, toothpaste -- at least that one -- applied to a rash is not a good idea!

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Toothpaste is some nasty stuff, for sure. Good for the teeth, but NOT much else.


I agree with everyone else that the toothpaste is probably NOT the cause of your symptoms, BUT...toothpaste applied to the wrong places can be uncomfortable.


When I was very little, I had this very bad rash on my behind. My mom used to put Desitin Ointment on it. Well, the ointment came in a VERY similar tube to the toothpaste my family used at the time -- a white tube with dark blue/black lettering. Soooo...my mom accidentally grabbed the toothpaste instead of the ointment, and when she put it on my butt she knew immediately that she had made a mistake because I screamed. Apparently, toothpaste -- at least that one -- applied to a rash is not a good idea!


Something similiar happened to me...

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