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4 years together a baby and she's dumped me. Please help

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I am 25 my x-girlfriend is 21. We met 4 years ago and have since had a little girl, who is now 2. She's now finished with me.


Our relationship has always been a bit rocky. She's quite neurotic at times and is up and down like a rollercoaster. She's very demanding and critical and dosn't really meet my needs.

Even though i say these things about her i still love and we did have good times when she was in a good mood.


She's broken it off before but this time it's for real.


When I'm with her, alot of the time i think about finishing with her but because i'm scared of getting hurt and scared she might meet someone else, i don't.


When she goes out she gets so much attention from men. she's very pretty. But when i go out i don't get any from women sometimes it gets very deppressing.


when i was with her I didnt really like to go out and socialise with her. I'd rather just go out with my friends. I don't know why i felt like this, my friends have a girlfriends and always want them with them.


But now she's finished with me , i feel likei want to go out and socialise with her. I really want her back but think this pattern my happen again.

I'm not sure what to do. I don't know whether to phone her or leave it. But right now i'm hurt and i want to be with her because i love her.


Has anyone been in a situation like this before. Please can anyone give me some advice.





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i think that the most important thing to come out of your relaionship is your child. you need to focus on her.

i think that you should let her mother go because if she is hurting you like you say then she is no good for you and you need to get a hold of your life again.

This wont be easy but with help from all of us here at eNotalone you will get through it.

Does anyone else think that i am right????

Catie xxx

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I think you already seem to realize it wasn't going to work out. And I think what you may be experiencing is just more loneliness then anything. You miss being her, that's ok, but does that mean she's for you? Seems from your post she is not.


As for women not giving you attention, that's just how the game works. Women get approach by guys all the time, so why would they "come" to you? Its just not in their nature. Now of course, if you look like Brad Pitt then you will have women falling all over you...but for the rest of us we gotta work it a little bit. And the easiest way to think of it is that...you got someone so "pretty" before...so of course you can get someone that "pretty" again....probably better...!


It's not an easy time to be sure, but it will get better. Just make sure your child is properly cared for in the meantime.


Hope this helps...



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I suggest you follow your instinct if you have thought so often about ending it then it seems to be that you should just let her go. But ensure that you get visitation hours with your daughter. And I bet your so attractive that girls are scared to approach you


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