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Conflicting Statements on Swine Flu?

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I hear conflicting statements as to what to do if you experience any symptoms of the H1N1 virus. First I heard they don't want you to go to a doctor because they dont have time for this (which is stupid IMO). Then I heard you should go see a doctor to get the Tamiflu or the other anti viral drug to help relieve the symptoms, so my question is which is it?? Do we go to the Doc and be diagnosed?? I would surely think so because I'm certain they'd want any case to be reported. Also I would like to know how they can differentiate between the common Flu and the H1N1 virus if there so similar?? What if these probable cases are just the regular flu virus and NOT the H1N1 virus??

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They probably would have to take a sample of something to see which virus you have. We are being told to stay away from the doctor if it's just "regular fly symptoms" and just like in the case of regular flu, to only go to the doctor if you develop complications. Especially since this is a very mild strain.

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They probably would have to take a sample of something to see which virus you have. We are being told to stay away from the doctor if it's just "regular fly symptoms" and just like in the case of regular flu, to only go to the doctor if you develop complications. Especially since this is a very mild strain.


Thats exactly my point here, how do we know what is regular flu symptoms and what isnt? I have read up on the Swine Flu symptoms and like I said it sounds just like the regular flu not much difference at all. If I wait until complications get worse to see a Doc, it maybe to late. This is whats puzzling, should we just go to the hospital anyway and be tested to be on the safe side??

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Thats exactly my point here, how do we know what is regular flu symptoms and what isnt? I have read up on the Swine Flu symptoms and like I said it sounds just like the regular flu not much difference at all. If I wait until complications get worse to see a Doc, it maybe to late. This is whats puzzling, should we just go to the hospital anyway and be tested to be on the safe side??


swine flu is just like the regular flu virus, its just that humans don't have any real resistance to it because it is a new strain of virus that is unrecognised by our bodies. that is what makes this strain of flu so dangerous, our immune systems can't cope with the viral infection. all you can do is treat the symptoms and hope for the best, that is why doctors can't really do much when faced with swine flu.

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The swine flu kills less people than the regular flu at the moment.

If you don't have anything different going on, i'd probably not go to the dr's.


yep. the media is making it to be some type of disaster. we are less than 1% of deaths compared to the regular yearly flu that most of the world can get over.

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swine flu is just like the regular flu virus, its just that humans don't have any real resistance to it because it is a new strain of virus that is unrecognised by our bodies. that is what makes this strain of flu so dangerous, our immune systems can't cope with the viral infection. all you can do is treat the symptoms and hope for the best, that is why doctors can't really do much when faced with swine flu.


Thank you Jon. That makes sense

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To me it doesn't make sense that they were talking (and still sometimes mention it) about the cytokine storm being the reason for so many deaths of young people [in Mexico] however here in the US only 2 people have died and they were a toddler and a school teacher who suffered of chronic diseases (I don't know the specifics. this is all very unfortunate and painful indeed though...). So either EVERYBODY in the US who's sick right now is really old or really young and no healthy 18-50 year olds have contacted the disease, or there's some information that needs to be updated.

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Only go to the doctor if you are a small child, elderly person, are pregnant, have chronic health problems or experience complications.. No different than any flu the people who have died from the flu have all been either really young or had other problems on top of the flu also all have been from Mexico where their medical care isn't the best.

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