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Dreams of a woman I thought I moved from?


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Hi all


Just one week ago, I told a woman who I thought was stringing me(despite her appearing to have feelings for me as deep as I had for her)that I cannot contact her anymore. From there, coping just got easier...


But then, just last night:

I had two separate dreams of her in just that night. I thought that with one, I could shake off. But, two...I couldn't sleep for two hours in case I dreamed of her again I wonder...


Is this normal for someone in my situation to have dreams of someone you dealt with...or is it something really strange?



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Um...I'm not that sure it is a release. If I dream about her again, would that be the opposite of a release?


Yes..because you are just coming to terms with your disappointment and pain....the body and mind is healing. I often had dreams of my late grandmother the first year after she died. What you are experiencing is coming to terms with the demise of your hopes and dreams regarding this woman...you are coming to terms with it in your dreams.

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Yes, CAD is correct. I have dreams often about people who have caused me some sort of emotional stress, whether romantic, at work, friends, parents.... your brain seems to have this urge to process the suppressed emotions in the form of imagery as far as I can tell.


Just last week I had two dreams in a row of a guy I've been wanting very badly just a couple days before I was due to go to a party he would be at. I think my brain was preparing my body for things to not work out so well, whereas during the day I was all hopped up on hope and adrenaline and couldn't deal with the possibility of rejection.

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When you sleep it is the time when the brain is processing things that it did not have time to process in the day. Dreaming can be triggered from something that your brain couldn't process in the daytime and so it's coming out in REM. I've often had dreams of ex's years later I wouldn't worry about it, it is your brains way of helping you cope in the Long run.

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Every once in a while I have dreams of someone I knew back in my twenties who was a real jerk. I was interested in him, he was interested in me but emotionally he never left high school and he was very unkind to me. I have no interest in him, couldn't care less about him..but every so often this guy pops into my dreams in a very neutral way. Then I wake up, say to myself "that was bizarre" and then forget about it and move on with my day. I have had dreams of other nasty people from work places or whatever. It doesn't really mean anything.

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