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I'm not sure how I feel about her :\

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I'm 26. Only in the past few years have I accepted the idea that I could actually have a relationship. Before that I was too shy/clueless/needy. For about 6 months now I've been in my first real relationship with a girl I met in college. She's quite a bit younger than me.


She really cares about me and is always trying to make me happy. She enjoys spending time with me. She tells me she's in love with me.


I have conflicting feelings about her. She doesn't fit what I find 'ideally' attractive, but I don't consider physical attraction too important. I find beauty in most people, and I do in fact find her very attractive in ways I didn't expect. She is a bit overweight but she loves to go to the gym with me and I believe in good time she'll be very fit.


I like to be with her, but not all the time. I miss my free time sometimes. I really appreciate everything she does for me and I tell her I love her. I'm not sure if it's true or not though. Sometimes I really, really feel connected to her and happy to be with her, and other times she does things that repel me. She has a tendency to be very overbearing at times. She has a strong sense of humor that can range from friendly banter to inconsiderate to downright insulting. She seems to be socially insecure; She goes out of her way to assert that she's right about something, and is afraid of being proven wrong on any issue. She interrupts me a lot when I'm trying to tell her or someone else something. For instance, sometimes I'll start telling a story to someone and she will interrupt me and jump in and tell the story for me.


This aspect of her personality I find very unattractive. I've talked to her about these sorts of issues a few times and she tells me she really wants to try and improve herself for me and she wants the relationship to work out. And I think she is sincere, but she doesn't seem to be making much progress. Maybe it just takes time. Or maybe it's just a fundamental part of her that can't change. I don't know.


I should note that we never fight or anything. We get along quite well. I don't get mad when she does these things. I just get a bit sad because I begin to feel like we don't belong together.


Part of me really wants it to work and another part of me wonders if should find someone else who is more compatible with me. I don't consider myself terribly attractive and it means a lot to me and she accepts me for all of my flaws and virtues. I don't want to hurt her if I choose to break up. Any advice is appreciated.

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You have a great and very rare bonus with this girl if you guys dont fight and havent really fought significantly in 6 months so let her try to work on her issues and if not alone suggest she sees someone to help her with them. I would stick it out a bit longer and see where things go or if they improve. Try to work with her and correct her exactly at the moment she does something that really bothers you so she knows exactly what it is in practice

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